
Autumn Athletics

By: Sorts Center

Crisp fall breeze whirls through the air, bringing life to some of the best sports moments you could ever imagine. I'm here with you today to talk about Audubon fall sports, and with further adieu let's get right into it. First of all, there is no fall without football. Football is very big in Audubon and there is a varsity and junior varsity team. You can try out for the two teams when you make your way into the higher grades in highschool. The season is very intense and is a great experience for players and fans. There are a lot of fun events in the season that include homecoming and neon night. A cool addon is if you would like to be a cheerleader that's another thing. Playing at games and competitions it's just an extra way to join the fun!

The greenwave pitch is always covered during the fall season. Soccer players love to play during the cool season. Audubon runs youth and old programs.There are different travel teams and rec leagues that you can play for in yours truly Audubon. A special fall tournament for youth travel teams in south Jersey is Kick-or-Treat where your team dresses up as something and plays for a chance to go undefeated in the bracket and win it all for your age division. Audubon's 2011 boys travel team brought back the trophy dressed up as Shrek. Lastly there is cross country where you race through outdoor courses. It's a little different from track because you are on a trail in the middle of fields and nature but it is just as fun. Pennypacker park is most runners favorite course to take a run through. So if you are interested in any of these make sure to look into them and try them for yourself! Come back for articles on topics like these.

MLB Home Run Hitter!

By Lord Cheeto

MLB The Show is a great game know matter how you play it. You can play as your favorite or create a team with your own name and players. Either you start a diamond dynasty and create and play as a team and you can draft players or you can just play for fun. When you play for fun you can play as any team and vs any team. You can play with at least four friends, the game can be played on these devices PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. So if you have any of those devices, grab the game and have some fun. Now did I make you want to play MLB The Show.


Spring is approaching, fast and steady

As the groundhog prepares for his choice

And when he finally decides he’s ready

A shadow is seen as the people rejoice

Hearts and flowers litter the street

Cards and hugs are exchanged

Candies are given, oh so sweet

And weddings are arranged

28 days one year

And 29 the next

The month of February is now here

And now it can’t be put to rest

Just Joking Around

The following jokes are originals written by our 5th grade guest comedian: DOGMAN!

(1) What does a tree say to another tree?


(2) What Store sells arrows??


(3) What room CAN'T a ghost use??

A Living Room!

By R.B.M. ("The Poet")

Hi, I’m the Knight! Welcome to gaming tips and what's new in the gaming world! Here my colleague R. Winner and I will inform you on all things gaming! In today’s issue, we’ll cover gaming tips and popular games along with brand spanking new games that have just dropped in the last month or so! WIthout further ado, let’s get right into it!

A Brand New Game

As many of us know, Super Mario 3D World and Bowser’s Fury dropped recently for the Nintendo Switch a few weeks ago, and it’s become very popular in just those few weeks! This game includes a remake of Super Mario 3D World, where you can play with up to 4 people and tackle many fun levels together, and a brand new never heard of game: Bowser’s Fury! Bowser has become gargantuan and lost all control! Mario and Bowser Jr. must explore Lake Lapcat and its islands and collect Cat shines to bring Bowser back to normal! Can’t wait to try it out!

A Popular Game

Animal Crossing New Horizons took the world by storm last March as many of the fans of the series, new or old, started their own life in paradise on their own individual islands. I myself picked up this game around late April of last year, and have been playing every update possible, almost everyday since. The anniversary of this game’s release is just around the corner, on March 20th. The latest update added was a promotional Super Mario update with tons of new furniture items, clothing, and even wallpaper, flooring, and rugs! I look forward to this game’s anniversary and to an amazing year 2 of Animal Crossing New Horizons! Better yet, the developers announced from the game’s release that they’ll be supporting the game with new updates and more for the next 5 YEARS! 5 WHOLE YEARS! WOW, JUST WOW! That’s devotion! I personally give this game a 10/10 and am excited to see what the future holds!

Gaming tips and what’s new in the gaming world

By The Knight and R. Winner 3/19/21

Hey everyone! R. Winner here! This is where I take over the article to give you all my recommendations and gaming tips! Keep in mind, these listed games are a little darker than most!


I recommend that if you like RPG games, you should play Dark Souls It is a great game that deserves a five out of five stars because of its play style and freedom of your character and abilities. A similar game to Dark Souls is Demon Souls which is made by FromSoftware (the same people who made Dark Souls). They are basically the same game, but just with a few different mechanics and different levels. Also, a good game is Hollow Knight, a side scroller platformer action game where you are trying to save a broken kingdom being ravaged by a terrible infection.


When I play video games, I enjoy finding little things or doing side quests so I can crush bosses and enemies later on, (to be very clear, not all games are full of what I am talking about.) In the game Little Nightmares 2, the teddy bear hat can be found by climbing up the shelf in the right of the playroom. In the game Destiny 2 a good way to try and get exotics aka OP weapons is to try and farm the season pass by completing everything. Did you know that in Minecraft there is a chance to make piglins dance?! Just make them kill a hoglin and there is a chance they will be very happy.


By : The Poet

Spring is right around the corner, and to stay on topic, a poll was run to see who loves which flower. Cherry Blossoms won with 4 votes, no wonder, this beautiful tree is known for meaning a time of Spring. In second place is the tulip, the soft red flower, which has the meaning of perfection and deep love. Fun fact : the tulip opens and closes depending on the position of the sun, similarly to the sunflower. In third place we have the daffodil, or also known by its scientific name, the narciss. A flower of new beginnings and rebirth, you’ll be seeing this flower on everyone’s lawns in the early spring season. Finally, tied in last place is the peony, well known for its prosperity and good fortune, and the violet, a small purple or white flower that grows wildly, modestly sitting in your garden unknown. Fun fact : the flower part of the violet is edible, and it tastes sweet. Not that you would get poisoned from the stem, but it doesn’t really have a taste.Lastly, there were only 3 people who weren’t interested in these five colorful flowers. Some liked the daisy, a late spring flower. The meaning behind this flower is innocence and purity, which isn’t surprising since the flower has a shy personality. Another student considered the dandelion as their favorite flower, the common flower resembling a lion's mane you can find just about anywhere. Its bright personality sends sparks of joy and happiness through your mind. And lastly, a very peculiar 6th grader stated firmly that he very much disliked flowers and wished for them to burn (please do not ask why). And those were the results of our polls, and we hope you enjoy your spring looking at these amazing flowers!

What’s Mansion's favorite subject?

The MAS newspaper team sent out a poll in December asking some students what their favorite subjects were. There were a total of 21 votes but the answer came out to be…Gym/Phys Ed with 64% of students voting for it. In second was Math with 12% of the votes. Finally, the last two I'll state are… ELA and Art both having an equal 8% of the votes.