Mindfulness Activities 

Mindfulness activities to help children sow seeds of knowledge while nurturing their own well-being. Through hands-on activities in the garden, children will discover the beauty and wonder of nature and learn about plants, fruits and vegetables, and their environment.

Mindfulness Activity #1    

Art Activity

Children will understand that the garden is alive and like them, expresses emotions in many ways!  They will use colors and symbols to express how they are feeling by drawing garden components. 

Mindfulness Activity #2   Guided Meditation

Children will learn that the garden can be a source of release from difficult emotions. They will draw from elements of nature that breathing is important to keep the garden harmonious and peaceful!

Mindfulness Activity #3  

Yoga Activity

Children will learn six yoga poses and practice positive affirmation statements that align with the components of a garden. They will understand how working together makes up a strong and colorful garden.