Mindfulness Activity #3

Yoga Activity 

Yoga Activity: Living Garden: Growing in the Garden


Children will understand how working together makes up a strong and colorful garden.

Key Learning Concepts

 Children will learn six yoga poses and practice positive affirmation statements that align with the components of a garden. The children will work together as a class to combine all of the poses and create a living, natural space within the garden.


 Printed Garden Photo Cards

Yoga mats (optional)

Activity Instructions:

1. Start in the classroom, and guide ALL children through one pose at a time, teaching them the name and the affirmation that goes along with it. Refer to the table below.

a. The teacher can project or show cards to children with the name of the pose and

the garden component that matches.

b. The teacher moves throughout the class to adjust poses.

c. Connect the affirmation to the garden component.

d. Ex. “You guys all make excellent seeds! Everyone repeat after me, ‘I am a small seed, but I am growing because I eat food that is good for my body and I enjoy!’ Although seeds may seem small, they can grow into something wonderful! Just like you.”

2. The teacher then assigns poses to children/groups of children; they practice the pose together and shout out the affirmation. Children can help each other do the pose and say the affirmations. Repeat as many times as desired.

3. Gather children in the outdoor/garden space/ green space. Group them as needed.

4. Assign them places/positions in the garden or position them to make a living garden.

5. Remind them to create a beautiful garden, they must all do their part and work together to be successful.

6. Children practice yoga poses in groups.

7. One pose at a time:

a. Call out the name of one pose.

b. Tell the children assigned to that pose to say their affirmation three times, all together.

c. Repeat for each pose.

8. Gather the class together and have them repeat after you: “Together we can grow into something amazing!”

If you are unable to do the activity in the actual garden space. Have the children identify the components in the garden and repeat the affirmations!

Seed Pose 🌱

How to do the Pose

Kneel down on both knees, sit back on your feet/ Reach your arms up to the sky, then bend your body over until your hands touch the ground. 


"I am small, but I am growing because I am strong!" 

Soil Pose 🤎

How to do the Pose

Start on your hands and knees. Hands should be shoulder-width apart. Tuck your toes under and press your hands to the ground. Lift your knees and straighten your legs. 


"I will make a difference. My super strength is inside me!"

Plant Pose 🌳

How to do the Pose

Begin standing tall. Reach your hands up and out to either side. Slowly, bend one of your legs and rest your foot on the side of your knee, making a triangle.


"I can learn and grow from my mistakes."

Flower Pose 🌷

How to do the Pose

Start in a standing position, with your legs wider than shoulder width apart. Turn one foot out, so it points to the side. Reach your arms out like a T. Bend at the hips, reach the arm that is closest to turned out foot to touch your ankle. Reach the other arm up to the sky.  


"I am beautiful inside and out."

Butterfly Pose 🦋

How to do the Pose

Sit on the ground. Bend both of your legs until the bottoms of your feet are touching each other. Use your elbows to gently push down on your legs. 


"I can achieve anything I put my mind to."

Rainbow Pose 🌈

How to do the Pose

Begin in a lying position, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor and up to the sky. 


"I shine bright!"