ABC Science Collaborative, RADx-UP publish lessons learned about keeping children safe in school during pandemic

The ABC Science Collaborative and RADx-UP have published a special supplement to the research journal Pediatrics focused on lessons learned while navigating the K-12 school environment during the pandemic.

The publication supplement, “Navigating a Pandemic in the K-12 Setting, Part 2: COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination,” represents a collaborative effort between Pediatrics, The ABC Science Collaborative and the RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center.

The research highlights a collective effort of 109 authors, including eight community members, across 16 RADx-UP Safe Return to School Diagnostic Testing Initiative institutions. It is focused on learnings about COVID-19 testing, prevention strategies, and other effects of the pandemic in school settings. The supplement covers topics such as COVID-19 testing for young children, delivering health messages to parents and guardians of K-12 students, at-home and school-based screening testing, school attendance and test recommendations for children with medical complexity, testing enrollment in schools, testing preferences of students and school staff, in-person instruction and educational outcomes of K-8 students during the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. 

Read more about the supplement, find key takeaways, and view a video about the research.