Accelerated Master's (4+1)

Curriculum Overview 

Classes and Curriculum (30 credits)

Required Core (9 credits)

Capstone (3 credits)

Methods and Competency (6 credits of each/12 total)

These courses are selected based on your interests from the lists described in the section below. Check out the Tools and Tips section for the MSUS Course list. 

Elective Credits (6 credits)

500-level graduate courses related to your interests in sustainability. They may be from other departments or subject areas.

Courses to Take in Fall of your Senior Year

Courses to Take in Spring of Senior Year  

*reference the MSUS Course List to determine which classes count toward each requirement

NOTE:  To add a graduate course, you'll need to submit an override request. The link to the electronic form is located on the SOS graduate policies procedures and forms website or access it directly here.

Once you graduate from your bachelor's program, you'll be switched from undergrad status to graduate status. 

You will continue taking classes in fall (not summer). Note that you can take up to 12-credits of graduate classes before starting as a full MSUS graduate student and have them count. 

Additional classes you take (beyond 12 credits) will not be accepted for MSUS degree requirements, per university rules.

Culminating Experience: Applied Project 

SOS 593 Applied Project  must be taken in your last semester (offered in spring semester only). In order to graduate, students must successfully complete SOS 593 with a "B" grade or higher. If a student earns a grade lower than a B in SOS 593, they will need to retake the class the following spring semester.

The MSUS Culminating Experience is completed collaboratively with a team in the class SOS 593: Applied Project. Students complete assignments, including the proposal and deliverables, as a part of the classes. 

Carried out collaboratively in lieu of a thesis, the capstone provides practical experience positioning graduates for today's competitive, knowledge- and skill-intensive job market. Here are the links to the project briefs for 2022-2023 , project briefs for 2021-2022, and project inventory for spring 2024. which will give you a sense of the scope and type of projects.

Check out the YouTube Link to the Final Presentations in 2023 and the 2024 Presentations

Tools and Tips

Check Sheet 

Please be sure to download the appropriate check sheet for the year you were admitted. MSUS Accelerated Master's Check Sheet (for those admitted for fall 2023 and later) . Important tips for using this tool are listed below.

MSUS Course List and and Unofficial Tracks List

Please reference the MSUS Course List to determine which courses meet your requirements. Important tips for using this tool are listed below.

The MSUS Unofficial tracks: Guidance for MSUS Electives is another helpful tool to determine if the program may be a good fit.