
You can find the curriculum outlined for each program on the School of Sustainability's website, by downloading the Student Handbook for your program. 

In addition to your program handbook, another resource available to you is the Master List of Classes (for MA/MS/PhD students) and MSUS Course List (for MSUS students). They help determine which courses count toward your requirements.

Master List of Classes (MA/MS and PhD programs)

This is an Excel spreadsheet you can use to determine which classes can be used to fulfill specific degree requirements for your program. For example, some programs require "methods" courses. A class coded as "methods" for MSUS may not count as such for other programs. This list helps students know how each class counts for their program.

Also, there are "x" marks by semester for each class. The "x" indicates the class was offered during that semester. Over time, patterns may emerge and help students identify and predict when specific classes will be offered again in the future. This can help map out classes on the check sheet and later on the iPOS. 

MSUS Course List

For MSUS students, you'll reference the MSUS Course List and the curriculum page for the accelerated master's (4+1) or the MSUS page to access the tools and information you need to choose your classes. 

Course Petitions (getting into closed classes)

Students can take a course not listed on the Master List or request a course fulfill a requirement not already specified on the Master List. The first step is to submit a graduate student petition, which can be found on the SOS Graduate Policies, Procedures and Forms page, under 'forms', to request that the chosen course(s) may count for a specific requirement on their program of study. Please review the instructions on the SOS Grad Advising site prior to submitting a petition.  For example, a PhD student can request a specific class be used to fulfill workshop credit. This class might be on the Master List but coded as something else for PhD students or it might not be on the Master List at all.