Interventions Curriculum

Behavior Change for Campus Sustainability

Welcome to the Interventions Curriculum: Behavior Change for Campus Sustainability

In this series of modules, you will learn about implementing behavior change interventions on campus to advance sustainability outcomes. The curriculum can support instructors to teach about these efforts, and provide guidance for practitioners with their own projects.  

Implementing effective behavior change interventions for sustainability is an iterative process. The modules on this site provide resources, examples, activities, and insights on key aspects of developing and applying interventions. We encourage you to explore them in sequence, but you may also want to jump around to find the information most relevant for your efforts.

The Intervention Web

Course Objectives

Participants in this course will learn how to:


Each module contains a set of learning objectives, relevant resources, examples, suggested activities, insights from instructors, practitioners, and students, and ways to engage and use what you have learned.

Orientation to background and key concepts

Laying the foundation for your intervention

Determining how you will attempt to change behaviors

Assessing the impact of your approach

Collaborating with others for effective implementation

Applying what you've learned for sustainable impact

Disclaimer: The interventions curriculum was developed by Daniel Fischer, Jordan King, Shea Alevy, Jacob Ivy, and Courtney Talbot using seed funding from the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems and ASU's Zero Waste team. The project was furthered by an additional ASU Sustainability Initiatives Revolving Fund Grant. Activities were led by Jordan King, Katja Brundiers, Krista O'Brien, Samantha Adamo, and Daniel Fischer. It was piloted as part of a class that was taught in Spring 2020 and adapted for use in a Fall 2021 class.  This is a resource that was developed to be used by educators at Arizona State University wishing to implement forms of intervention research into their teaching, while also supporting campus operational staff to implement projects to promote sustainability outcomes.

The will be updated with feedback from learners, practitioners and instructors. To provide feedback or for questions or further information regarding the interventions curriculum, its contents and/or the example intervention projects discussed, please contact Jordan King.

Copyright Notice: Copyright law may protect some course materials available through the Learning Management System. This material is only for the use of students enrolled in the specific course(s) and must be used in accordance with the United States Copyright Act, Title 17 of the U.S. Code. Protected materials on the course site may not be retained on the student’s computer or other electronic storage device for longer than the duration of the specific class for which they are assigned, nor further disseminated by the student to any other persons. Furthermore, a student must refrain from uploading to any course site, discussion board, or website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student’s original work, unless first complying with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.