Ms. Spils

Ms. Spils in a Nut Shell 

Oh no.... I'm trapped in a nutshell.... how could this be... how is there a nut with a shell big enough to hold this much awesome... hehe... oh wow, I am hilarious... 

Now for serious... I am from Las Vegas, NV. Yes, THE Las Vegas.  No, I didn’t live in a casino, but my father helped build a few kitchens inside them. 

I have a a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I also have a Masters of Education in International Teaching from Framingham State University.  Yup, that is right!!! I am a Master!!! I do go by Master Spils. 

I had the opportunity to teach in Las Vegas for 4 years. Then, I got the courage to live my dream and took a leap into the great unknown and moved to Guadalajara 7 years ago to teach here at ASFG. This will be my 8th year teaching 5th grade. I have a feeling the eighth year is will FIRE!!! It is going to be a GRRRRRREAT year. So basically, I will be your science teacher in 5th grade and I can't be more excited!!! 

Here is a list of a few things I love most in this world, in no particular order:

Welcome to 5th Grade Science

This year we will focus on 3 areas of study from the Next Generation Science Standards:

1. Life Science - Energy in Chemical Processes and Everyday Life, Organization of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms,  and Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

2. Earth and Space Science - Earth's Materials, The Role of Water in Earth's Surface Processes, Human Impact on Earth's Systems,  The Universe and It's Stars, The Earth and The Solar System 

3. Physical Science - Structure and Property of Matter, Chemical reactions

In Science we will be learning through questioning the world around us. Each quarter we will be working through a specific phenomena. 

Throughout the year we will investigate these anchoring phenomenon: 

Throughout the year we will be collecting data of patterns the world around us provides.  Throughout the year we will be interpreting and analyzing that data.  

In Science, you will be graded in 2 ways, Academic and Work Habits. 

Academic Grade                  

Students will be graded based on the NGSS units of standards.  Each unit of learning will have a variety of, quizzes, projects and labs.  All of their academic grades will be based on these assessments. 

All assessments, projects and labs - 100%

Work Habits Grade:

Behavior/Participation       30% 

Classwork/Homework       35%    (Notebook checks and Daily Connections are included here)

Being Prepared/On Time   20% 

Target Language                 15%

Notebook checks will be done monthly, students need to have all necessary components when notebook checks are due. 

Daily Connections will be done daily at the beginning of each class, we will be making connections in our daily lives to topics and ideas we are learning in class.  If you are absent you are required to still complete each Daily Connection you missed. The slides presentation can be found on the 5th Grade calendar each Friday. 

My Office Hours: 

Mondays 10am-10:30am or before or after school by Appointment. 

During ZAP, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Please come and visit me with any questions or concerns.  

LAB SAFETY EXPECTATIONS: We will have the opportunity to use the Middle School Science Lab throughout the year with Ms. Iveth.  I want us to have as many opportunities as possible,  here are the expectations we have for every middle schooler.




Report all accidents, injuries, and breakage of equipment to teacher immediately.