proactive Check for compliance

Prior to the Review by Board staff, the charter holder is provided an opportunity to ensure it is in compliance with certain contractual terms that can be amended before staff conducts the virtual review ("Review"). If a charter holder does not ensure compliance in each of these areas prior to the Review and Board staff identifies operational noncompliance issues, those issues may be reflected on the charter holder’s operational dashboard. 

In order to determine whether any amendment requests or other filings are required to ensure compliance with these contractual terms, a charter holder should review all contractual terms using the information on file with the Board. To view the information currently on file with the Board:

Additionally, a charter holder should ensure that it is in compliance with additional Statutes, Rules, and policies, as identified below under "Additional Items". Another helpful tool in this review is the Compliance Statement of Assurances that has been submitted by the charter holder for the current fiscal year.

Below is a list of items that the charter holder is encouraged to review at this time. It is important to note that although this list is comprehensive, it may not include all items reviewed by Board staff during a Five-Year Interval Review for compliance. Therefore, the charter holder is always encouraged to engage in continuous review of its processes, systems, and resources to ensure compliance with all applicable Statutes, Rules, and policies.

Amendment Related Items

The charter holder should review and confirm that information for the following items is accurate: 

Charter Representatives

The charter representative is an individual with the power to bind the charter holder contractually according to the charter holder’s Articles of Incorporation, operating agreement, or bylaws, and is the point of contact for the Board for the purposes of communication and accountability to charter terms and conditions. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the charter representative(s) identified in the contract is/are not current.

To review the charter representatives currently on file with the Board, select the “Representatives” tab. The charter representatives and their contact information are listed. 

Should the charter holder need to add or delete a charter representative, it must submit a Charter Representative Amendment Request through ASBCS Online. 

Corporate Entity (Charter Holder Governance)

The members of the corporate entity comprise the charter holder's "corporate board". These are the officers, directors, members, and partners of the entity that holds the charter. These must be the same individuals who are identified on the website of the Arizona Corporation Commission ("ACC"). A charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the corporate board members (or charter principals) identified in the contract are not current and/or do not align with the corporate board members identified with the ACC. This includes individuals serving in roles such as CFO or CEO that are not board members, or do not have a vote on the board. To check the organizational membership on file with the Board: 

To check the organizational membership on file with the ACC:

If the officers, directors, members or partners reflected on ASBCS Online do not match the current members on file with the ACC, the charter holder must either:

Should the charter holder need to make changes to the board members who are identified on filings with the ACC, the charter holder may need to make the appropriate filings with the ACC and provide Board staff with evidence of the appropriate filing(s).

School Governing Body

If the corporate entity of the charter holder has a separate governing body responsible for certain school decisions, this is known as the school governing body. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the school governing body member(s) identified in the contract is/are not current.

To review the school governing body, select the “Schools” tab. The members will be listed separately for each school under the “Governing Body” tab.

Should the charter holder need to add or delete a school governing body member, it must submit a School Governing Body Amendment Request through ASBCS Online.

Charter Holder Location 

The charter contract identifies the physical and mailing addresses for the charter holder. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the addresses in the contract do not accurately reflect the address(es) of the charter holder and the school(s) it operates. 

Should a charter holder wish to change the address(es) for the charter holder, it must submit the Charter Holder Location Amendment Request

School Location

The charter identifies the physical and mailing addresses for the school.  The school is out of compliance with the charter contract if the addresses in the contract do not accurately reflect the addresses of the school being operated. If the school has expanded, and the expansion has resulted in an additional address for a school, or if the city has issued a new address for one or more buildings, the charter holder should contact Board staff.

Should a charter holder wish to change the address(es) for the school, it must submit the School Location Amendment Request

Charter Grade Levels Served

The charter contract identifies the grade levels the charter holder is approved to serve. If the charter holder is serving grades it is not authorized to serve per the charter contract, the charter holder is considered out of compliance. 

To review the grade levels the charter holder is authorized to serve, select the “Detailed Information” link from the gray bar, then the “Grades” tab. The most current information will be found at the top of the list with an “Effective Date” but no “End Date.”

Should the charter holder wish to change the grade levels it is authorized to serve under the charter, it must submit a Grade Level Change to Charter Amendment Request through ASBCS Online. To determine whether your charter is eligible to expand, review the “Eligibility Criteria” in The Guide to Amending a Charter.

School Specific Grade Levels Served

The charter contract identifies the school specific grade levels being served at each school operated by the charter holder. If a school is serving grades that do not align with the school’s grade levels identified on ASBCS Online, the charter holder is considered out of compliance. 

To review the grade levels served, at each of the school operated by the charter holder, select the “Schools” tab. The school specific grade levels will be listed separately for each school under the “Grades” tab.

Should the charter holder wish to change the grade levels it serves at a school, it must submit a School Specific Change in Grades Served Amendment Request through ASBCS Online. 

Program of Instruction

The program of instruction should describe the methods of instruction and assessment, criteria for promotion from one level to the next, and graduation requirements. The charter holder’s program of instruction should align with the charter mission, educational philosophy, and target population as described in the charter. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the methods of instruction, methods of assessment, criteria for promotion from one level to the next, and/or graduation requirements currently used at the schools operated by the charter holder do not align with those described in the charter contract. 

Should the charter holder wish to modify the program of instruction, it must submit a Program of Instruction Amendment Request through ASBCS Online. If the charter holder is seeking to make changes to the charter holder’s delivery method to include the provision of specific online courses or the provision of a comprehensive offering of courses that would constitute an online school under A.R.S. §15-808 for grade levels currently approved in the charter, the charter holder will be required to submit the Arizona Online Instruction Program of Instruction Amendment Request

Mission Statement

The charter holder’s mission statement on ASBCS Online must maintain exact word for word alignment with the mission statement in use at the school (as reflected on the school’s website, in its handbook, etc.).

To review the mission statement currently on file for the schools operated by the charter holder, select the “General” tab. The mission statement is listed at the bottom of the page. Should the charter holder need to update the mission statement to ensure alignment, it must submit a Charter Mission Amendment Request through ASBCS Online.

Instructional Days

While all charter schools must operate using a school calendar and daily instructional schedule(s) that ensure compliance with A.R.S. §15-901 regarding annual instructional hours for each grade served, there is flexibility in the number of instructional days that may be provided. The number of instructional days on file with the Board is contractual and must accurately reflect the number of instructional days. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if it is not providing a number of instructional days equal to the number identified in the contract. Additionally, the school must provide the minimum annual instructional hours for each grade served, per A.R.S. §15-901. 

To review the number of instructional days on file in the contract for the schools operated by the charter holder, select the relevant school on the “Schools”  tab, then select the “General” tab for the school. The instructional days are listed as “Contractual Days” in the “General Information” area.

Should the charter holder need to modify the contractually required number of instructional days, it must submit an Instructional Days Amendment Request. 

Enrollment Cap

The charter contract identifies the enrollment cap, which limits the number of students the charter holder is authorized to serve. The charter holder is out of compliance with the charter contract if the number of students it serves exceeds the enrollment cap identified in the contract.

To review the enrollment cap, select the “Detailed Information” link from the gray bar, then the “Enrollment Caps” tab. The most current information will be found at the bottom of the list with an “Effective Date” but no “End Date.”

Should the charter holder need to change the enrollment cap, it must submit an Enrollment Cap Amendment Request through ASBCS Online. 

Additional Items

The charter holder should review and confirm that information related to the following areas is in compliance: 


The charter holder should review all documents that include information related to enrolling in the school (enrollment packets, handbooks, policies, etc.) for compliance with all applicable Statute, Rule, and Policy. See the ASBCS Enrollment Guidance Site for additional information.

Facility Documentation

Certificate of Occupancy

The charter holder should confirm that it has a valid, current Certificate of Occupancy for all buildings used by the school(s) it operates. The Certificate(s) of Occupancy must have addresses matching those on file in the contract. A Certificate of Occupancy is not valid if it is expired. For any building that is used for instruction of students, the Certificate of Occupancy must reflect that it is approved for E (Educational) Occupancy.

Fire Marshal's Inspection Report

The charter holder should confirm that it has a valid, current Fire Marshal's Inspection Report for all buildings used by the school(s) it operates. The Inspection Report(s) must have addresses matching those on file in the contract. A Fire Marshal's Inspection Report is not considered to demonstrate compliance if it is more than three years old, indicates that the school failed the inspection, or is from an entity not on the State Fire Marshal's LOA list. For any building that is used for instruction of students, the Fire Marshal's Report should reflect that it was inspected for E (Educational) Occupancy.


A charter holder serving students in grades K-3 should ensure that school schedules for these grade levels clearly demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Move on When Reading. Specifically, that students receive a minimum of 450 minutes per week of reading instruction.

A charter holder serving students in grades K-5 should ensure that school schedules for these grade levels clearly demonstrate compliance with A.R.S. §15-118, requiring at least two recess periods per day for students in these grades.


Arizona Administrative Code and Arizona State Statute include specific requirements that must be included on a school's website. These requirements are identified on the School Website Self-Check. A charter holder is encouraged to conduct a self review using the School Website Self-Check prior to the review by Board staff. 

Additional Items

The charter holder may want to consider reviewing the Compliance information found under the "Current Charter Holders" tab on the Board's website in preparation for the review.