Follow Up

The majority of compliance issues found during a review, as outlined in the compliance report, will require follow-up from the charter holder in order to bring the charter into compliance. Follow up is provided to Board staff by:

  1. Filing an amendment request through ASBCS Online; or

  2. Providing documentation (i.e. an updated enrollment packet) to Board staff by email.

The expected filing or submission to bring an issue into compliance is specified in the compliance report. For most issues, a charter holder is provided 30 calendar days to bring issues into compliance. For issues related to student health or safety, a lesser amount of time may be provided to bring the issues into compliance.

Failure to submit timely may result in the remaining issue(s) being placed on a subsequent Board meeting agenda for possible disciplinary action pursuant to R7-5-505(G), in which the Board may take action. In accordance with R7-5-501(G), if the specified deadline has not passed, Board staff may grant a charter holder an extension to the specified deadline.