Overview of the Five-Year Interval Review Process

Official Notification

In the fall, a charter holder receives an email notification letting it know that it will be undergoing an interval review in the current fiscal year. The letter includes Operational Submission Requirements and deadlines (if applicable).

The charter holder is also asked to provide information regarding dates that are not conducive to a review using the information provided in the notification.

Required Submissions

If Operational Submission requirements were identified in the official notification, submissions must be submitted by the due date (typically within 30 days of notification) for review by Board staff.

These submissions are only required if the compliance check (conducted prior to the official notification) identified any issues (See Preparing and Submitting Operational Submissions).

Board staff will review and evaluate the required information after submission and notify the charter representative of the results and any additional steps that may be required.


Board staff will provide the charter holder with a minimum of two weeks notice for the window in which the virtual document review will take place.

The charter holder will submit required documentation for the compliance review and Academic Systems Review by the deadline provided in the notification (these submissions will apply to all charter holders in Five-Year Interval Review).

On the assigned date, Board staff will meet with the charter holder/school leadership to review the submitted information, discuss findings, and provide the charter holder a list of missing documents/information.

REports and follow Up

Compliance Report

At the conclusion of the virtual review, Board staff will generate a report identifying any non-compliance issues. This report will be issued within ten business days, and will include information about follow-up that is required to correct the issues of non-compliance.


The charter holder will have until the deadline in the report (typically 30 calendar days) to bring issues into compliance.

Final Report

The final report will identify whether non-compliance issues were brought into compliance, summarize contractual information and leadership discussions, and will indicate whether academic documents meet the criteria set by the Board.

Pop-in Visit

During a pop-in, Board staff will tour the campus, observe instruction in classrooms to confirm alignment with the program of instruction, have a brief discussion with administration (if administration is on campus and available), and review a small number of compliance documents (primarily related to student safety). These visits will be unscheduled, fairly short, and focused in nature. The pop-in visit may occur before or after the Virtual Review call.