Important English information for Term 4.

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,

     Book Report grades (As a Midterm grade)will be entered on Friday, May 17, 2024. The reason for this is because students are more than halfway to their deadline and they (you) need to know what the grade would be if you/your student does not complete the reports by May 31st which is the last day reports will be take for Term 4.

Welcome  New Earthlings to the 


School Year


Use the calendar to see all of the assignments for the Earth Learning community in one place!
Assignments are color-coded by subject

Subject Color on Calendar

Science Green

English Orange

Civics Blue

Math 8 Purple

Algebra Pink

Learning Community Information

Ottoson Earth Learning Community Information

2024 Summer Reading Requirements for incoming 8th grade Earth Students!

A little extra credit- Earth only students. Take a picture of yourself, reading your book so the title shows and glean a few extra points! WooHoo!

Copy of 2024 This is Printing Copy for 7th grade-Change This Copy 8th Grade Summer Reading - Double Entry Journal
2022 8th Grade Summer Reading Log
Copy of 8th grade Summer Reading Story Summaries.pptx
Earth Supply List 2023 - 2023

The LC requirements are VERY different from the forms you fill out for the Counseling Department.