We know you may have questions and you are always welcome to contact our office, but here are a few of our favorite Frequently Asked Questions-

What credential is needed to become an elementary school teacher?

To be an elementary school teacher, a Multiple Subject credential is required. This credential authorizes teaching in public school settings where the teacher teaches all subjects to one group of students in a self-contained classroom.

What credential is needed to become a middle school or high school teacher?

To be a middle school or high school teacher, a Single Subject credential is required. This credential authorizes teaching in public school settings where the teacher teaches one subject to several different groups of students in a departmentalized classroom. This type of classroom structure is found in some middle schools as well. Single Subject credential candidates are not required to take the RICA exam.

What Single Subject areas can I be supported and credentialed in through the APU School of Education?

We do offer our Single Subject Program for the following areas:

  • Art

  • Business

  • English

  • Math, Music

  • Physical Education

  • Science

  • Social Science

  • World Language (ASL, Spanish, Mandarin, French, etc.)

What credential is needed to become a special education teacher?

To be a special education teacher an Education Specialist credential is required. Two specialization areas are offered at APU: Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe. This credential, depending upon the area of specialization, can authorize and educator to teach students with special needs from birth through age 22.

Where can I find Test Prep materials and sample tests?

CTC offers CBEST prep Materials, CSET prep materials, and RICA prep materials

APU has a partnership with two test prep companies that will provide discounted preparation programs and materials. Find more information and register for an account here.

There are also many websites and free resources on the internet.

For PE CSETs, other students report that Study.com has been helpful.

How long are my exam scores valid for?

CBEST scores have no expiration date. CSET and RICA scores are valid for 10 years.

Once an examination score has been used to satisfy a California certification requirement, it may be used to satisfy a requirement of another certification document regardless of the ten-year limit if the score satisfies the passing score requirement for the new document. This means your passing exams are "locked in" and you won't have to retake the exams.

If I have already been fingerprinted do I need to do it again?

If your fingerprinting and background check resulted in you receiving a document issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (i.e. substitute permit, provisional intern permit, etc.) and your document is valid, then you do not need to go through this process for credentialing purposes at the end of your program. If your fingerprints were done separately for a school district or other employing agency but you do not have a valid CTC document, you will need to get a current live scan service and complete the Certificate of Clearance process. Directions to obtain a Certificate of Clearance can be found here.

**Please note** School Districts reserve the right to ask for additional requirements and you may be asked to complete fingerprint clearance again to gain access to campuses for fieldwork, internship, clinical practice, etc.

How can I meet the Basic Skills Requirement?

Most commonly used for meeting the Basic Skills Requirement is a passing score on the CBEST, ACT or SAT. Demonstration of Basic Skills can be met in a variety of ways as explained in this CTC Leaflet CL-667. Please visit the CTC Exams Page for testing locations and registration, etc.

How can I meet the Subject Matter Requirement?

Multiple Subject Teaching candidates have two options for meeting the subject matter requirement. They are as follows (select one):

    • Pass all Multiple Subject subtests (3) of the CSET exam. See the CTC Leaflet CL-674M for more information and the CTC Exams Page for testing locations and registration, etc.

    • Complete a Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved multiple Elementary Subject Matter program as an undergraduate student.

Single Subject candidates have two options for meeting the subject matter requirement. They are as follows (select one):

    • Pass all subtests of the CSET exam for your subject area. See the CTC Leaflet CL-808CA for more information and the CTC Exams Page for testing locations and registration, etc.

    • Complete a Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved subject matter program. If your undergraduate major was in the subject area you want to teach, and your university has an approved program, there is a possibility you may have met this requirement by way of a subject matter waiver.

Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Education Specialists are required to complete the Multiple subject CSETs

    • Pass all Multiple Subject subtests (3) of the CSET exam. See the CTC Leaflet CL-674 for more information. Also see the CTC Exams Page for testing locations and registration, etc.

I was a teacher in another state or country. How can I become a credentialed teacher in California?

If you completed a professional teacher preparation program including supervised student teaching and you were eligible for certification in another state or country, you may apply directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. For additional information visit the CTC Website or you can meet with a Credential Analyst by scheduling an appointment.

I was a School Psychologist and/or Counselor in another country. How can I become credentialed in California?

Individuals prepared outside of the United States or U.S. Territories must obtain the formal recommendation of a California college or university with a Commission-approved Pupil Personnel Services Program in the area of specialization they are seeking. For more information see the CTC Leaflet CL-606.

I was a K-12 School Administrator in another state. How can I become credentialed in California?

Individuals who have completed their professional preparation program outside of California may apply directly to the Commission for their initial credential by submitting an application with all of the supporting documentation. For more information, see the CTC Leaflet CL-574.

What do I need to do if I have a name change during my program?

1. Complete GPC Name/Address Change Form found at this link https://www.apu.edu/graduateprofessionalcenter/registrar/forms

2. Send Email to soecredentials@apu.edu

Please include previous name, new name, and student ID#. Once received, all appropriate School of Education Representatives will be updated with your new information.

3. Contact California Commission on Teaching (CTC) to make name change in your profile, etc. Submit Form 41-NC

4. Please include your student ID# on all future email communication to ensure the most accurate service.

Where can I find information about student teaching or clinical practice?

For information about eligibility requirements and student teaching application deadlines, please visit the Office of Student Placements webpage.

Is financial aid available?

Financial aid is available if you qualify. Scholarship opportunities are available as well. Questions can be directed to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Information can be found on the Graduate and Professional Student Financial Services website.

How much will it cost to apply for my credential?

CTC is currently charging $100 to process a credential application.