AB 130 - TK-12 Education Trailer Bill 2021

The TK-12 Education Trailer Bill (AB 130) signed in 2021, creates new options for educator candidates to demonstrate the basic skills requirement and the subject matter requirement for California credentials. 

New Options to meet the basic skills requirement

Prior to AB 130, the majority of educator candidates demonstrated the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) by passing the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). However, additional assessments have been approved to also meet BSR (e.g., SAT, ACT, AP Exam). 

With passage of AB 130, educator candidates may meet BSR with coursework in reading, writing and mathematics. Courses must have been taken at a regionally-accredited college or university for credit, passed with a grade of B- or better, be degree applicable, and be at least 3 semester units.

The expectation is that the course is offered by the relevant Department (e.g., English, Mathematics). Courses offered from other Departments would need to be reviewed by the relevant Department (e.g., English, Mathematics) and the Chair of the relevant Department would need to provide a letter on letterhead confirming that the course fulfills the basic skills reading, writing, or mathematics proficiency requirement.

In addition, CTC approved programs may combine options for educator candidates to meet BSR. For example, a candidate who has passed the CBEST subtests in reading and writing but not mathematics may use the two passed CBEST subtests and coursework that meets the mathematics criteria as listed above.

Detailed information related to meeting BSR can be found on the Basic Skills Requirement (CL-667) Leaflet on CTC's website. Additionally, candidates may send specific questions about their situation to their Credential Analyst.

CURRENT STUDENTS AND ALUMNI: If you are currently enrolled in an educator preparation program at APU and have not met BSR (e.g., passed CBEST) and wish to request an evaluation of your coursework, you may complete the Basic Skills Requirement Coursework Review Form with information about the qualifying course(s) that demonstrate proficiency for evaluation. 

PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: The School of Education has collaborated with the Office of Graduate Admissions to incorporate the review of BSR into the Graduate Application process. Questions related to the Graduate Application process may be directed to your Admissions Representative.

At this time the Office of Credentials is able to serve current APU students, APU alumni, and prospective APU students with BSR reviews.


Prior to AB 130, the majority of teacher candidates demonstrated the Subject Matter Requirement (SMR) by passing the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) or by completing a CTC approved subject matter preparation program

With passage of AB 130, educator candidates may meet SMR via three new, additional options

For candidates in a Multiple Subject (Elementary) program seeking to use the academic major (option 1) outlined above, a Liberal Studies degree major, including Liberal Studies degree majors that include a focus or concentration, as well as a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education or Liberal Arts from a regionally accredited college or university may be used to meet SMR. 

For candidates in a Single Subject (Secondary) program, a degree major in Art, Business, English, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science (including Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Earth and Space Science, or Physics), Social Science, or World Language from a regionally accredited college or university may be used to meet the Subject Matter Requirement. Please note that the degree major title must be a direct match to the subjects named in Education Code section 44257(a) and to the Single Subject area the candidate is pursuing. 

For candidates in an Education Specialist (Special Education) program, a degree major from a regionally accredited college or university in one of the subjects listed above for either Multiple Subject or Single Subject may be used to meet SMR. It is even possible for candidates in an Education Specialist program to use an exact degree major subject match for subjects in which CTC offers a Single Subject Credential but in which APU does not offer the Single Subject (Secondary) program (e.g., Agriculture, Dance, Health Science, Home Economics, Industrial and Technology Education, Theater). While this is now allowed by the CTC, please note that meeting SMR in a non-core subject area, may limit placement options for clinical practice and marketability for employment for Education Specialist candidates. We provide this information without endorsing it specifically, and encourage candidates to contact their preferred districts to see what that district specifically requires.

If you have specific questions regarding whether or not your degree major can be used to meet SMR, please contact the Office of Credentials at soecredentials@apu.edu.

CURRENT STUDENTS: If you are currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program at APU and have not met SMR (e.g., passed CSET) and wish to request an evaluation of your degree major, you may complete the Subject Matter Requirement Degree Major Review Form with information about the qualifying degree that demonstrates subject matter for evaluation. If you are currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program at APU and wish to request an evaluation of your coursework to meet subject matter requirements, please visit the Coursework Evaluation to Meet Subject Matter Requirements webpage for more details.

PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: The School of Education has collaborated with the Office of Graduate Admissions to incorporate the review of SMR by degree major into the Graduate Application process. Questions related to the Graduate Application process may be directed to your Admissions Representative.