APS Fine and Performing Arts Seal

The APS Fine and Performing Arts Seal is one of three local seals designed by Akron Public Schools. APS believes involvement in the arts helps develop a well-rounded student who is more engaged in their education.

Fine and Performing Arts deepen students' understanding of cultural connections across their community and world.

To earn the Fine and Performing Arts Seal, students must:

  1. Document all evidence of participation on the APS Fine and Performing Arts Documentation Form (make a copy).

    • Participation must be validated by the teacher, program advisor, or coach.

  2. Complete two Board-approved Fine or Performing Arts units from the time they enter high school until May 1 of their graduating year.

A unit may be a semester, a year, or a season as determined by the program advisor. Students may mix and match two different Fine and Performing Arts activities or use the same activity as long as they satisfactorily complete the two units. For example, a student who participates in two school years of choir would be able to meet the Fine and Performing Arts seal requirement.

Pre-approved Fine and Performing Arts units may include, but are not limited to*:

  • School or District dance performance (group, ensemble, and/or solo) for a season.

  • School or District theatrical performance, design, and/or production for a season.

  • School or District musical performance (group, ensemble and/ or solo) with school or district performance outside of school.

  • Cultural and/or community dance, theatrical, or musical performances with at least 2 different performances outside of school.

Specific programs that are cumulative in nature and are typically achieved over an extended period of time may count as 2 units.

  • Composition (music and/or dance), Media and Broadcast Production, Playwriting, Art Exhibits and Digital Recording Projects covering at least two years of demonstrated works in a digital or physical portfolio may count as two (2) units of fine arts seal credit.

  • Fine Art Portfolios to include multiple expressions and covering at least two years of demonstrated works may count as two (2) units of fine arts seal credit.

*Engagement units beyond the pre-approved list above must be approved by the district's designated Community Service Advisor.

Read More Here: APS Local Seals Handbook