5th Grade

Where We Are in Place & Time

Central Idea: Discovery and migration lead to changes in a society. 

Driving Question: How can we, as electrical engineers, protect lunch box treats? 

5th grade students will explore how discovery and migration lead to changes in a society. Students will have the opportunity to inquire about how relationships are impacted between location and migration, discover different forms of energy, and how societies are impacted by new technology. Students will be challenged to protect lunch box treats that keep disappearing from our 4th grade cubbies. They will work with an Ackerman Security Electrical Engineer for guidance and suggestions. Also, students will need to create a working circuit alarm system to help keep treats safe! 

How the World Works

Central Idea: Natural and man-made changes govern behavior

Driving Question: How do we as social influencers understand and prepare our community for an economic downturn?

5th grade students will explore how natural and man-made changes govern behavior. Students will  inquire about the principles of natural and man-made forces, changes of the scientific world, and unintended consequences of economic depressions. Students will kick of the unit of inquiry by touring and engaging in a discussion with the Atlanta Food Bank. With their guidance, students will inquire about how their lives might change if an economic downturn occurs. Students will be given a daily salary based on one of the World Poverty Line rates and in families have to determine how they could budget to cook a tasty chemical change recipes for a family party! Students will actually make these tasty treats on their budget. Also, students will research and write informational pieces investigating food scarcity in the USA today. 

Sharing the Planet

Central Idea: Critical reflection and positive action increase the sustainability equality of our communities. 

5th grade’s exhibition is centered around the United Nations Global Goals.  Students inquire about the consequences of human behaviors on Earth communities, resolving conflict to maintain peace, and human rights and equality. The students choose a topic, create Key Concept Questions with their groups, and research the answer to these questions to better understand their UN Global Goal.. Next, students work together to brainstorm, plan, organize, and complete responsible action in local context. They will present their findings and action to school and community.