Summer Reading PrograM

Pick up your packet on June 19!

Packets with books, craft materials and more FREE for each child up to Grade 12. Prizes and so much more!

Visit a Childen's Museum, a National Park, a Science museum or someplace even more exotic!

Field Day

June 5, 2020

On Friday, June 5th all elementary schools and Carrigan Intermediate will be taking part in a virtual field day sponsored by your Physical Education teacher. The field day is made up of small activities with items from around your house. We encourage all family members to take part and have some fun.

Each day starting on Monday, June 1st, your Physical Education teacher will post an activity in your Google classroom or on your Grade Level Distance Learning page as an assignment. It will also be posted on the West Haven Board of Education website. You can practice these activities Monday through Thursday so you are prepared for Friday.


There are 23 different activities so there is something for everyone! Each day a demonstration of one will be posted on this website.

Scroll through to see all of Ms. Langley's activities and other resources for you to use. There is a lot more than what is showing!

Langley's Classroom.pdf
Behavior Tip- Timers.pdf
Behavior Tip- Choice.pdf
Behavior Tip- Verbal Praise.pdf
Behavior Tip- Visual Schedules.pdf
Behavior Tip- Premack Principle.pdf

Notes from the Occupational Therapist

Scroll through to see activities that you can do with your child.

Therapy Times-Distance Learning 1-4 (1).pdf