School News

Western States

Western States


6th Grade Edition

By: Onelis Ramirez

╰┈➤  Introduction:

                  On May 4, 2023, a Timothy Edwards Band Concert took place between 6:30 and 8:00 PM in the Timothy Edwards auditorium. It was an amazing performance, and the pieces were breathtaking. Better yet, if you continue reading, you’ll be able to read statements from students who played in the 6th grade band concert and more!

╰┈➤  Body Text:

             : ̗̀➛ Basic information:

                  The pieces played by the sixth graders sounded amazing. They had dress rehearsals on April 28, (check, May 1st), and May 2nd. The sixth graders started their way off from “A Walk in The Woods” to “Kitsune”, the grand finale. Kitsune is a 6 minute long performance with, believe it or not, a lot of lore behind it. Kitsune is based on the fox spirits, Yako the mischievous and Zenko the benevolent are the characters depicted through the use of alto and soprano recorders, a koto and taiko drums. ( Traditional instruments may also be used to paint a picture of the magical kitsune and their many supernatural abilities.)

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #1: Interviewee - Evelyn Beaulieu

 Q : What was the hardest piece?

A : Kitsune

Q : Which was your favorite piece?

A : A Short Ride on Horseback

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #2: Interviewee - Anonymous

Q : What was the hardest piece?

A : Kitsune

Q : Which was your favorite piece?

A : Kitsune

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #3: Interviewee - Anonymous

Q : What was the hardest piece?

A : Kitsune

Q : Which was your favorite piece?

A : Kitsune

School Lunch

By: Joseph Kapralos

What if I told you that the school lunch barely has enough nutrition to last 3 hours? What if I told you that the growing problem of childhood obesity is all in the government's power to fix? What if I told you that the school lunch program, despite some saying otherwise, only serves American and European foods? What if I told you that ketchup packets are considered a vegetable? What if I told you that these are all true statements?

The health hazard that is school lunch has been a problem for some time, starting as soon as the program started. One of these issues is the high amount of sodium in the lunches. This is problematic because a study has shown that consuming foods high in sodium on a daily basis has lasting effects on brain development and growth.

To address the issues of the diversity of the food, one of my friends and his friends had to stop being vegetarian because of the sparseness of vegetarian options. This is more or less forced assimilation to American culture, and needs to be stopped. To make matters worse, there are listings of vegetarian options at the elementary schools (Veggie burger, Veggie pizza, ect.) and the school cafeteria most of the time doesn't have these options.

The nutrition issue is backed up by teachers, having to deal with kids that have gotten school lunches and are having trouble concentrating on the work. This is further backed up by the boxes that the food arrives in, this is because some of them are labeled with ‘fit for human consumption.’

The broad conclusion of these facts is that the school lunch program needs to have more diverse options and be more nutritious as a whole, and there are enough facts to support that that the school lunch program needs to stop being oblivious to the issues, school lunch needs change and if the program itself cannot see that, then who can?

Share your experience! 

TEMS Baseball

By: Sophie Donnelly

The TEMS baseball team traveled to Enfield on Thursday and faced JFK. First road game of the season, TEMS started off strong with 2 runs in the first inning. JFK came back swinging in and caught on and took a lead 6 to 4. TEMS fought back, but came off a little short and lost JFK 6 to TEMS 5.

All About SBAC

By: Annaliese LeRoy

Does the acronym SBAC sound familiar? Every year so far since 3rd grade, around the middle of May, we’ve had the same routine where we spend about 2 hours in your homeroom or your main teacher’s classroom and answer about 2 sets of 35 questions with each set of 35 questions being about Math or ELA. Have you guys ever wondered how the test is made? Or, you’ve probably wondered why we have to take this test? Well, this article will talk all about SBAC, like how the test is made or why we have to take it, and more about SBAC. Down below are some popular questions and answers about SBAC.

Why Do We Have To Take These Tests?

The purpose of SBAC is to assess student knowledge and skills in English and Math, as well as how much students have improved since the previous year (student growth). Basically saying that the SBAC is to see how much you’ve learned and grown in English and Math since last year.

What Does SBAC Stand For?

Most people say that SBAC stands for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments but that would be incorrect since Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments would represent the acronym SBSA. The correct unabbreviated acronym of SBAC would be Smarter Balanced Summative Consortium. Consortium means an association, typically of several business companies. So the real answer to this popular question “What Does SBAC Stand For?” is Smarter Balanced Summative Consortium.

Is Connecticut The Only State That Has To Take SBAC?

No. In fact, many states have to take it. Here are the states that have to take SBAC: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The states that don’t take SBAC take the same test but with different names.

What Should I Do To Prepare For SBAC?

SBAC can often be stressful but here are some ways to help with the stress:

How Do I Study For The SBAC?

SBAC emphasizes students learningv ia iinformational texts, with these components making up between 45%-55% of the reading-based questions depending on the grade level. Practicing answering questions about nonfiction or informational text passages is crucial to adequately prepare students for the SBAC assessment.

Pros and Cons of Having Homework

By: Suri Nguyen


-Homework can teach the students responsibility and help students learn how to turn things in on time.

-Homework helps students practice the things they have learned in class, and helps them improve and not forget the things they have learned in class. 

-Homework also helps teachers understand if their lessons are effective and if students understand what is being taught to them so teachers can plan future lessons.


-Too much homework can cause students to be stressed out.

- Too much homework can affect students' social lives since they're spending their afternoons completing homework

-Homework can decrease a student's time to relax because they spend most of their time completing the assigned homework.

Teen Center Events

By: Sophie Donnelly

Teen center drop in hours are:

Transportation on Tuesdays will be available for drop-in hours.