School News

TEMS Band Concert

By: Suri Nguyen

TEMS is hosting a band concert on Wednesday, January 25th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the TEMS auditorium. The TEMS band has been working hard with Mr. Marci to perfect well-practiced songs to perform to the lucky audience!  The instruments that will be heard in this concert are the trumpets, tenor saxophone, flute, clarinet, bassoon, tuba, percussion, oboe, french horn, trombone, bass clarinet, baritone saxophone and alto saxophone.

I interviewed two members of the band, Gargi Ahirrao and Onelis Ramirez. Let's see what they have to say!

Me: How has the band been for you this year? 

Gargi: Band has been fun and exciting.

Me: How many songs do you plan to perform at the concert?

Gargi: We plan to perform five songs!

Me: Alright thank you for your time!

Me: How has the band been this year?

Onelis: It's good, Mr Marci does this little thing where he counts in this weird voice “1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 ……” and so forth.

So best of luck to our talented performers; we can't wait to hear about your performance!

Outdoor Education Club

By: Onelis Ramirez and Aarna Gupta

Timothy Edwards is arranging a trip to the South Windsor Arena for ice skating. If you are interested in this spectacular activity, you’re in luck! All students are welcome to participate in the activity of ice skating with friends. For further information, continue reading and/or contact Mr. Bartolotta and Mrs. Gandia-Torres!

This trip will be hosted on January 25th from 3:30 to 5:20. The trip costs $15, which will include rental skates and transportation to the South Windsor Arena. For pick-up, please organize a parent and/or guardian to pick you up at 5:20 from the South Windsor Arena.

If an extra permission slip is required, there are extras located in room 361. Money ($15) and permission slips are due to Senor G in Crimson room 361 by Monday, January 23rd.

Out of this information, what should I remember?

In conclusion,

It’s welcome to everyone!

TE Basketball Games So Far

By: Aashray Veerapaneni


First two games: As I said in the last issue they started 1-1

Game 3: The boys lost in their 3rd game-not much information on this one.

Game 4: The boys were almost able to come away with a win as it was a close game throughout, but Ellington came away as the winner 49-41.

Game 5: For the fifth game of the season the boys were able to just barely sneak by East Hartford (Final Score: 41-39).

Game 6: The Cougars were defeated very soundly by sage park 49-26.

This leaves the Cougars 2-4 on the season hopefully they can get back on a winning streak because right now it is not going great. They have 6 games remaining in the season. See this website for schedule information: Timothy Edwards Boys Basketball Schedule. Go Cougars!


First two games: They started 2-0 (as I said in the last issue).

Game 3: The Lady Cougars won game 3 40-30 against Enfield.

Game 4: The Lady Cougars lost their 4th game 29-28 against the Ellington Wildcats (the league champions last year). An incredibly close game that might just be a finals preview.

Game 5: In game 5, the Lady Cougars won 49-40 vs East Hartford.

Game 6: The Lady Cougars crushed sage park with a final score of 48-27.

The Lady cougars have 6 more games and they are in a wonderful position. If they keep this up they are looking like a league champion caliber team. If you would like schedule information for the lady cougars, visit: Timothy Edwards Girls Basketball Schedule 

Attending Games

Remember, if you would like to go to  basketball games then fill out the google form (it will be posted at 6 pm before the day of the game). There are a limited number of spots and late arrivals are not accepted. Keep that in mind. The google form will be on the T.E website. Read through it for more info on when to leave your class and exceptions during the game/expectations for rides home. Seeing away games is not provided by T.E (unless you’re on the basketball team, clearly). Hope you attend a game or two this year. Playoffs are coming faster than you think. Let’s Go Cougars!


By: Suhani Kapil

The seventh grade has recently moved onto their Historical Fiction unit! Our main focus will be on the book Lyddie. Set in 1843, the book started off as an unfortunate turn of events. A student on Scarlet acknowledged that, “It seems that this novel will shine light on life way back then for a low-income family. It will also show how kids our age carried out different responsibilities!” What is left to come is an exciting yet saddening adventure into Lyddie’s journey to the mills.

How to Flourish in 6th Grade

By: Annaliese LeRoy and Nibha Bala Gowda

If you read our last article we talked about how to survive 6th grade. But it’s good to go above and beyond in 6th grade if you can, so we have interviewed students and teachers on their tips and we picked some of the best ones to share with you. These are tips on how to flourish in 6th grade.

- Do extra credit (Said by Annaliese LeRoy)

- Review what you learned in class when you get home or during a WIN period (By Anonymous)

This is a good tip because it can help you know what you learned and help with homework and help with studying for and taking tests.

-Try to join extracurricular activities (Said by Ms. Fisher)

Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.

-Be consistent (By Anonymous)

Do what you say you are going to do and stick to it! 

-Find something you want to be passionate about and develop it (Said by Gregory Smith)

This is a good tip because let’s say you wanted to be more passionate maybe about something like writing. If you wanted to be passionate about writing and creating books and such, you would want to develop it by practicing it and being consistent with it, and eventually it may become a hobby or something you love after you develop it. It doesn’t have to be about writing either. It can be about anything that you want (that’s realistic) as long as you wanna be passionate about it and can develop it.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and we hope that these quotes come in handy! Be on the lookout for our next article that will be out in a few weeks!

8th Grade Tips

By: Trinity Pham

Thank you to all parents/guardians and students that attended the 8th grade Parent/Guardian night on January 10.  We hope that all students that have attended now understand the high-school expectations.

Do you ever feel stressed, or lost in your studies? Just know that you're halfway through the year! If you ever like that, here's some tips that might help you through 8th grade :

-Don’t overthink/complicate things!  Sometimes, it's better to take a break.

-Don't focus on grades to the point where that's the only thing you care about. Yes, grades are important, but when you burn yourself out for grades, you're hurting yourself.

-Make sure you are hanging out with good friends! If you're in a toxic relationship with a friend, it's probably best to leave them in the past.

Next time you feel burnt out or stressed, you might wanna use these tips. One of these might be the thing that's causing your stress.

Teen Center Events

By: Sophie Donnelly

Good evening TEMS students I want to inform you that the teen center will be offering new drop in hours on February 4 & 18 from 2pm to 5pm. At the teen center, something else that's is in February is arts & crafts 5:30 to 6:30pm on February 10. There will be a Valentine's bake sale-come on by and get some sweets.

The teen center will be having a drop in hours for Tuesday, and transportation from Timothy Edwards to the teen center. Sign up with SignUpGenius. We are having a Shark Tank intervention. Sign up with SignUpGenius and build something new with your friends or by yourself, and we will be having judges to decide the winner. That will be January 17 from 3:30 to 5pm at the teen center.

On  January 23rd we will be having a book drive, so come on by, dropping off some books for some kids to read. The teen center will be hosting a movie night that will be taking place on January 27 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Come on by with your friends and have some popcorn, snacks and candy. Popcorn, snacks and candy will cost a dollar at the teen center movie night. After the movie, why not come by and hang out at the teen center until 9pm and meet new friends.

The Tragedy of Damar Hamlin

By Connor Hall

On Monday, January 2, 2023, a football player for the Buffalo Bills tackled someone and was hit in the chest at the exact time his heart had beaten at a critical moment. This caused him to have a cardiac arrest and pass out right in his home stadium. His name is Damar Hamlin.

Damar was born on March 24 1998. He plays as a safety for the Buffalo Bills. He was just a back up until the Bills starting safety got hurt. He has been playing most of the season and has been pretty good. Unfortunately, that came to an end. 

Damar was just doing his job until Tee Higgins tackled him in the chest. Tee didn't do anything wrong. He just got so unlucky. Damar got up but then became unconscious on the field because his heart had started beating in an abnormal rhythm and then his heart stopped. Because of that, he didn't get enough blood. 

What happened to him is called Commotio Cordis. Commotio Cordis is when you get hit in the chest at a very critical time during a heartbeat, causing it to go into an abnormal heart rhythm. This is caused because the impulse of the object disrupts the normal rhythm. This produces a sudden cardiac arrest.

The paramedics on the field performed CPR for what felt like 10 minutes. The stadium was silent. You could only hear players crying and the ambulance coming.

Damar got lucky though. He had a good chance at dying because when you don't get enough blood to certain parts you start to lose brain cells. When they got to the hospital, they immediately put Damar through a chill protocol. They cooled down his body in a chamber so that he does not lose any more cells. He would have lost the ability to walk or talk if he didn't have great paramedics to perform high quality CPR.

Damar is doing well right now. He can sit up slightly and can write and text. He can not speak because he has a ventilator down his throat to help him breathe. They are slowly removing the amount of oxygen he gets from the ventilator so he can start to breathe on his own.

On the 8 of January, the Bills played the Patriots. This was an emotional game, not just for the home team but for players all around the NFL. Orchard Park was filled with Hamlin jerseys and signs with prayers and messages to him. On the first play of the game, Nyheim Hines ran back the kickoff for a 96 yard touchdown. Even he didn't know what happened. Then later in the game, he did the same thing but this time for a 101 yard touchdown. Even the losing team wasn't mad about losing. They were all brought together by what happened.

Overall, Damar Hamlin is alright. But this event brought awareness to the need for CPR. Lots of people don't know how to perform CPR. If someone did not perform it ,Hamlin would be in critical condition and possibly dead. If someone had a heart attack right next to you would you be able to help?

Brown, James. "Reflecting on Damar Hamlin and California's Fast Food Pay Conundrum." USA Today, 8 Jan. 2023, Accessed 10 Jan. 2023.

"Commotio Cordis." Cleveland Clinic,,getting%20hit%20in%20the%20chest. Accessed 10 Jan. 2023.