Radio, Television, and Film Courses that are Zero Textbook Costs

ASCCC OERI Discipline Lead for Journalism: Kelsey Stuart, Moorpark College

ASCCC OERI Discipline Leads are tasked with curating resources for their discipline, serve as a resource for their discipline colleagues, and are focused on community-building. Find suggested OER resources on the Journalism page.

Radio, Television, and Film Classes with OER Mapping

This spreadsheet includes all CRC Radio, TV, & Films courses, links to CRC Canvas Shell templates (if applicable) and suggested OER resources. It can also be opened in another window if you prefer to view it full-screen and if the OER textbook you're using is not listed in the Canvas Shells column, you can request it.

Raido, TV, & Film Classes and OER Mapping

OER and ZTC Resources Identified by Librarians

Librarians have done some initial research for some disciplines and classes to give faculty a starting point as they begin to convert classes to ZTC. These are Google docs that can be updated. If you need help with a specific class, please reach out to the OER Project Lead.