Core Values

Intellectual Curiosity

This Core Value allows students to invest time and energy into examining deeply a specific topic or issue. Intellectual curiosity allows students to focus on inquiry and the struggle with interpreting and/or acting upon unexpected conclusions, resolutions, innovations, or solutions.  A deeper understanding of the complexity allows for a position of broader influence.

Innovation & Creativity

This Core Value allows students to invest time and energy into examining deeply a specific topic or issue. Intellectual curiosity allows students to focus on inquiry and the struggle with interpreting and/or acting upon unexpected conclusions, resolutions, innovations, or solutions.  A deeper understanding of the complexity allows for a position of broader influence.

Environmental Stewardship

This Core Value aims to develop students' awareness of their interdependence with the environment so that they understand and accept their responsibilities. It deals with:

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility starts in the classroom and extends beyond it, requiring students to take an active part in the communities in which they live.

Giving importance to the sense of community throughout the course encourages responsible citizenship as it seeks to deepen the adolescent's knowledge and understanding of the world around them. The emphasis is on developing community awareness and concern, and the skills needed to make an effective contribution to society.

Respect of Self & Others

This Core Value allows each student to explore the impact one makes on society.   The aim is to develop in students a sense of responsibility for their own actions and create a path for future areas of ethical growth.   Through an exploration of one’s self, the student may cause others to rethink their purpose in the local and global community. 

Global Awareness

This Core Value allows students to better understand the world around us.  Students may grapple with the interconnectedness of environment, politics, society, ethics or any number of global issues that impact the world. Students should select a topic that places value on international mindedness and intercultural awareness.