College Counseling

Class of 2023
College Acceptances

Our students have been accepted to multiple colleges and universities of their choice.

If you want to find out more about our graduating class

Financial Aid

Financial Aid does not include loans or work study, it only includes scholarships, awards and grants.

Financial Aid awarded to our ANS Graduates since 2019 up to 2023.

*Still waiting to hear from more schools
**Not including Class of 2023

Average Financial Aid awarded:
US$ 9.4 million**



Different Colleges & Universities have been attended since 2019


Colleges and Universities in the US & Canada


Colleges and Universities in Latin America


Colleges and Universities in Europe & Asia

The College Counseling Office at ANS is involved in many activities to serve all students. It focuses on counseling students about the importance of building the best four year record possible to reflect academic and extra-curricular achievement to maximize the potential of each individual. Emphasis is made on student responsibility for learning, expanding self-awareness of academic strengths, interests and aptitudes to prepare for career exploration and college search. From 9th through 11th grade our High School students engage in our College Readiness program which covers stage related topics that allow them to build skills and a strong student profile for future college applications. College Advisory sessions are offered to the 12th graders as the culmination of our College Readiness program. These sessions assist students in finalizing their college applications journey. The Student Services Office also prepares transcripts, communicates with colleges, organizes college visits, sends official supporting documents to Colleges and Universities and provides students with information that might be required in their college application process.

College Readiness Program

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Historical College Acceptances

Our students are accepted to multiple colleges and universities of their choice.
These are some of the colleges and universities they've been accepted and have attended: