Big ? Day is

Designed to give students an opportunity to have agency in their own learning.  Every 8 days students get to choose their own schedules and lead their own learning in the four different studios, Art, Music, Innovation and Library

In each studio, students are provided mini lessons to learn different skills that guide them through a design process to express their ideas and learning through creative projects that they design. 

Students also attend the Observe and Wonder Lab where they learn and practice phenomenon based learning through the scientific practices, inquiry and the engineering design process.

Big ? Day provides a space for students to explore their passions, create their own ideas and develop important skills to be lifelong learners!





Observe and Wonder
Science Lab

Student Choice at ANS

Student choice fosters agency and develops leaders. At ANS, innovation provides students the power to build their own schedules based on interests and passions.

Imagineering in Science Lab

Our Primary School Students have been using the design process to ask Questions, Imagine, Model, Create, Test, and Improve their designs! 

We used the inquiry cycle to learn more about birds this trimester, and the students then used what they learned to engineer their flying machine, bird beak, or nest!