Catholic Life

What is Catholic Life?

The Catholic Life program is an extracurricular program of the American Nicaraguan School. It goes from Pathways to Seniors, Catechesis is once a week for one hour.

Catholic Life is an association of parents directed by a Board of Directors of volunteer mothers, approved by the Archdiocese of Managua, and supported by qualified catechists who are in constant training.

Jesús de la Divina Misericordia is the Parish assigned to our Program by Cardinal Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano, and as such, Father Raúl is our guide in this great mission.


To provide the children and youth of ANS with a Catholic education that allows them to live their lives based on this religion and bear solid witness to the Christian values that their parents have taught them.

Primary School

From Pathways through 1st grade, we use the catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

2nd and 3rd grade are the years of preparation for the First Communion.

4th and 5th grades, follow the books of the Treasure of my Catholic Faith.

All classes are taught in a dynamic and fun way, integrating doctrine, prayer, singing, games and crafts.

Secondary School

6th and 7th Grades: We know Jesus through the Holy Scriptures and we put them into practice.

We start with missions for the day.

8th and 9th grade take the Catechesis of John Paul II on the Theology of the Body.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation begins in 9th grade and ends in 10th grade.

For 11th and 12th grade, we have Teens for Jesus where they give monthly talks on important topics like pornography, chastity, etc.; as well as testimonies of young people with some important teaching for their lives.


We celebrate several Eucharists as a Program such as: the beginning of the year, All Saints, Mass of Consecration to the Virgin, Eucharistic Morning, Ash Wednesday, the Masses of the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation and the Thanksgiving Mass of the Seniors. As well as we have our Purisima where we celebrate the Virgin Mary and retreats for Confirmation and for Seniors.

On the other hand, our high school boys have the privilege of going on missions to evangelize our brothers in Matagalpa for 2/3 days, where they not only share with the people of the area, but also serve as a retreat and training for our young people.

We also have a Family Program where we invite Training Talks, retreats, movies, etc., all so that our parents continue training and are better prepared to complement their children's education in a world that we have to go against the current

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