Curating Resources

Is is a credible resource?

The CRA[A]P Test is a helpful tool to use when trying to decide if a website is a credible, valid source.


(Currency, Reliability, Authority, Purpose/Point of View)


(Currency, Relevance - Audience, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) (PDF) (Video)

Applying the CRAAP Test to Websites

Evaluating Apps and Platforms

You may want to think about evaluating apps and platforms differently than other online resources.

You can use the AlphaPlus App Evaluation form to evaluate apps for ease of use or whether it is relevant, accessible and meaningful to adult literacy learners.

You may also want to think about evaluating apps and platforms for privacy, and data integrity. This can be much more difficult.

The conundrum

I like Padlet and Jamboard because they do not require participants to sign in but if we limit ourselves to these platforms we may miss some wonderful opportunities to collaborate.

The challenge

In Canada, OpenMedia and Michael Geist do comprehensive advocacy work on privacy.

  • These resources are quite dense and not always relevant and meaningful to educators and learners.

DuckDuckGo has a privacy crash course.

  • These resources are more relevant and meaningful to educators and learners but it is a lot to keep on top of.

The solution

  1. One thing that can make our lives easier is to rely on credible sources (our Personal Learning Network) to evaluate apps and platforms for privacy.

    • The Online Tools for Teaching & Learning reviews include a 5-star rating system in the Tool Snapshot and often describe how the app protects or exploits user data. Some reviews also include information on COPPA and FERPA (US privacy acts) compliance.

  2. And to help in the co-learning realm, AlphaPlus has collected a suite of online privacy resources for learners and educators to explore and navigate the world of data integrity and algorithms.