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Digital Technology for Learning

Frameworks, Approaches and Theories
plus a Blended Learning Toolbox

This collection was created by AlphaPlus and is for literacy practitioners interested in creating technology-rich learning environments. 

You will find frameworks, approaches and theoretical foundations on these pages to inform your planning, designing and decision-making.  This site is for planning for curriculum design and professional learning. If you work in an Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills program and want help in planning a technology rich learning environment or professional learning for instructors and designers, contact us at AlphaPlus.

Table of Contents

How do 21st century people use technology at home, in the community and at work? 

Frameworks that represent ideas for understanding how people are expected to leverage their uses of networks and digital technology to effectively participate in a variety of aspects of 21st century life.

What is the role of networks in 21st Century learning? 

Theories of how we learn using digital technology by developing, sustaining and curating networks.

What knowledge do 21st Century educators need?

Teachers talk about how their role changes in technology-enhanced learning environments. 

How is teaching changing in the 21st Century?

Teachers talk about taking on the role of technologist in the classroom.

Resources to support us in our role as curators.

Frameworks for Evaluating Resources

What are the digital literacy skills, attributes and capacities need to be addressed in curriculum design ? How can learning environments support learners leverage the use of networks and technology to enhance their learning, work and community life

Frameworks that represent ideas for planning technology-rich learning environments and blended learning curriculums that meet the digital literacy needs. 

eLearning definitions and terms:  Computer Hope Glossary