The Blended Learning Toolbox

Lists of tools, apps and websites curated using framework principles

A blended learning toolbox by and for Ontario literacy educators

This digital toolbox is a collection of the resources that eNet participants shared with each other categorized by the resource curation framework found here: Curating Resources in Adult Literacy

See collections categorized by type below ↓

Activities and curricula

Digital Skills Library at EdTech - an index of digital skills activities

The Digital Skills Library is an open repository of free learning resources designed to help all adult learners develop the digital skills needed to achieve their personal, civic, educational, and career goals. The library is managed by the EdTech Center @ World Education. All resources within this library have been curated by educators to align to the Seattle Digital Equity Initiative Digital Skills Framework.

(See more about this framework under Curriculum Planning: Learning Outcomes.)

The library has indexed activities from various sites so that you can search by domain or other filters.
Here are links to the sites that have been indexed:

Common Sense Education

Crash Course

Digital Learn

Digital Unite Technology Guides


Google for Education Applied Digital Skills

Learn My Way

The News Literacy Project


Social Media Test Drive

Tech Goes Home

Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills


Digital Learn

Digital Learn is a series of self-directed tutorials for people to increase their digital skills created and hosted by the Public Library Association (PLA). The lessons are designed to integrate into classroom led instruction. Modules include video-based narration with PDF transcriptions

GCF Teacher Guides

GCF Learn Free has expansive lessons on technology, basic skills, and career development. These lesson guides were developed specifically for technology instructors wanting to use GCF in their own classrooms.

Google Applied Digital Skills

These project-based learning opportunities focus on using Google products. It is a video curriculum targeted at middle school students to adults. Lessons designed for use in schools are aligned to ISTE educational standards. Each ½ - full day lesson is broken down into shorter, videos covering specific tasks and.

Learn My Way

Good Things Foundation in the UK operates Learn My Way for use in the Online Centres Network but anyone can access lessons online. Modules involve written subject-specific text, with the option to have it read aloud, and interactive activities to practice skills.

Mozilla Web Literacy - Core Curriculum

The Core Activities are designed to teach the web in the context of learners’ own needs, interests, and everyday experiences. Brainstorming and sharing, discussion and reflection, and fully participatory, collaborative work are integral to this community-based Web Literacy learning experience. To make Web Literacy accessible to as many learners as possible, a number of these activities can be done “offline”—without an internet connection and/or with limited computer access.

Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills MOOC

This course provides information technology literacy and basic skills training for learners with limited experience. Course learning outcomes focus on skill development related to basic computer operations and information technology.

21 Things for Teachers (K-12)

provides a single site of free resources and tutorials which meet the international educational technology standards, and offer any-time training to be used for professional development. Its resources are designed to serve a variety of models for professional development. It is designed to help educators make connections between technology tools and best practice instructional strategies. It provides a chance for you to collaborate with fellow teachers in a cohort or as an individual to learn more about 21st century technology skills in a supportive environment with a highly skilled instructor.

21 Things for Students (K-12)

21Things4Students is an online resource to help students improve their technology proficiency as they prepare for success in the real world. Teachers value 21Things4Students because it's experiential, relevant, applicable and adaptable. Students say they love this class!

The lessons use video with close captioning with PowerPoint and PDF versions and links to resources. Students go on Quests to explore topics. It is designed for children but there is a lot of good material here for use with adult learners.

Tools and apps

Online Tools for Teaching and Learning - descriptions of technology tools

University of Massachusetts Amherst

uses SAMR

Each page includes a wealth of information about a specific tool (e.g., price, ease of use, description of the tool, innovative ways to use the tool for teaching and learning) to help you evaluate the tool and determine whether to use it in your practice. This site was created as part of a collaborative class project ... Students in the class conducted in-depth research about four online tools and designed pages for each tool.

The tools on this website are organized according to the National Research Council’s (2000) four types of learning environments: assessment-centered, community-centered, knowledge-centered, and learner-centered.


Assessment-centered tools (e.g., Kahoot, Socrative, Google Forms, ePortfolios) allow educators to conduct pre-course/lesson, formative, and summative assessments.


Community-centered tools, including social media, virtual games, and collaborative design spaces, encourage and foster social learning experiences.


Knowledge-centered tools, such as virtual timeline creators, mind mapping software, and study sites (e.g., flashcards, tutorials), help students acquire, construct, and organize information.


Learner-centered tools can be used to personalize, differentiate, and empower learning.

Cult of Pedagogy - 6 Ed Tech Tools to try in 20xx (yearly list and descriptions)

Descriptions of the tool or resource and examples of how it has been used in an elementary school classroom.

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2022

Frame, Google Arts and Culture Experiments, #1000BlackGirlBooks, Osmo, Everfi, Skew the Script

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2021

Mote, All Slides, Google Lens, Bulb, Embrace Race, Prezi Video

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2020

Floop, Goosechase, Iorad, Parlay, Stop Motion Studio, Creatability + Playmeo and TextingStory

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2019

Equity Maps, ProWritingAid, Google Tour Creator, Great Big Story, GeoGuesser, WebJets

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2018

FlipGrid, InsertLearning, Book Creator, NewseumED, AutoDraw, Sway

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2017

NearPod, PlanBoard, Slack, PeerGrade, Newsela, SketchBoard + Google Cast Chrome Extension

5 Tech Tools for English Language Learning

(by CCLCS TESL students May 2017)

Kahoot, Tandem, TEDiSub, USALearns, Duolingo

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2016

Write About, Google Cardboard, Versal, Noisli, Formative, Periscope

6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2015, Emaze, Voxer, QR Codes, Kaizena, Plickers

Instead of - try FlipGrid

Plus seven ideas for using mobile phones in the classroom

Photos for 1. discussions 2. study and 3. dictation;

4. Taboo Dictionary game;

5. Wikipedia Snowball game;

6. QR Codes;

7. Record a message

The Ontario eCampus Extend Toolkit for College Instructors

These are the 11 tools introduced in the Extend Modules. Each tool is assessed according to its affordances (the relevance to educators) and its limitations. The descriptions include examples and activities.

The Western U eLearning Toolkit for University Instructors

The eLearning Toolkit is a collection of eLearning concepts and technologies available at Western University. This resource is maintained jointly by members of the WTS eLearning Team and the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Each tool has a How-to guide and is evaluated for

AlphaPlus Useful Apps Repository

Welcome to our list of Useful Apps . There are lots of interesting Apps out there but we know that finding good apps to support adult literacy and numeracy teaching and learning can be a very time consuming undertaking .

We hope to make it a bit easier by providing comprehensive reviews of Apps including descriptions, OALCF competencies addressed, the subject or topic area covered, and how the App could be used for literacy and numeracy learning and to support engagement and motivation . We also include Apps that are useful for program administration, note taking, productivity, collaborative work and more .

We are starting small but, with your help we will grow the repository, adding new apps on an ongoing basis . We invite you to help us build the list by submitting your own reviews – if we all share what we know and what we find most useful we will come up with a great list of apps and save time .

Three charts that organize apps

Bloom's Taxonomy and Apps

A chart with apps that support each of the cognitive processes posited in the revised Bloom's Taxonomy: apps for remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

Online Tools and Web 2.0 Applications

A list of apps by function -- what the apps do, not pedagogical function.

The Periodic Table of iOS Apps 2019

This table breaks down the different recommended apps into 8 different categories related to broader learning categories. They are:

  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Learning

  • Teaching

  • Creativity

  • Demonstrating

  • Collaboration; and

  • Workflow

The table aims to reflect an updated selection of popular apps that have been shown to be useful in supporting teaching and learning activities in these different areas. Some of the apps are more suitable for Primary, such as ‘Little Digits‘ in the Numeracy section. Others may have more use in Secondary such as ‘Metaverse‘ a great little AR app for AfL [Assessment for Learning?], story-telling and more, but has an app rating of 9+ on the App Store which makes it more suitable for older learners. Please remember – all of these apps have different age ratings, therefore it is your responsibility to ensure suitability of an app for the age of learners you work with.

How tos and Guides

AlphaPlus Tip Sheets and Guides for Literacy Practitioners

The AlphaPlus Guide to Creating Community Online -

The AlphaPlus Guide to Google Jamboard -

The AlphaPlus Guide to Padlet -

The AlphaPlus Guide to AnswerGarden -

The AlphaPlus Guide to Getting Ready for Remote Learning -

eCampus How Tos for Educators

There is much high-quality content available that has been created and shared by others. We found a couple of standouts in the iTeachU faculty development series out of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the All Aboard Digital Skills in Higher Education from Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning. We’ve listed self-paced do-it-yourself lessons from both of them here (plus a few others):

eCampus Pivot to Remote Learning

eCampusOntario is actively gathering resources and tools to support our members as they pivot to remote delivery.

There are three sections.

PIVOTING TO REMOTE DELIVERY - Resources to support remote teaching and learning in an digital environment.

FINDING RESOURCES AND TOOLS - Free and openly licensed tools and resources to create or use content.

MODIFYING FINAL ASSESSMENT - Information on options for final assessment in a remote environment.

Plus a series of webinars you can listen to.