Digital Technology
for Ontario LBS* AU* or ACE* students getting ready to go to university or college.
Who is this site for?
This site for people who want to upgrade their computer skills.
It was designed for people in the ACE* or Adult Upgrading programs at Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs.
Getting started
Have you done a computer-skills assessment in your program?
What skills do you have?
What skills do you want to work on before you start taking courses in college or university?
If you haven't done the CSC* Digital Readiness Assessment, ask your instructor about it.
You can try the Northstar Digital Literacy checklists
or the Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills MOOC Pre-Test.
When you are ready to start learning, click on Learn and choose your topic.
How to use this site
Click here to see the table of contents: Learn
or click on the tab above to see the list of computer topics.
On each topic page you will find links to self-directed activities and courses.
For each topic, you will see a few options. Read the descriptions and choose the one you think will work best for you. If you don't like learning there, come back and find another one to try. If you like a certain place, such as Digital Learn or GCFLearnFree, for one topic you might want to stick to that place as much as possible.
All the places to learn listed on this site are free and do not require an account unless otherwise noted.
If you feel like you can't choose, ask your instructor for help.
This site is a companion to the Postsecondary Digital Skills Readiness Assessment.
If you'd like a copy of this site that you can adapt and edit, please contact
Some helpful resources for instructors
Getting ready to go to college
Google Applied Digital Skills --> College Readiness
Developing a learning pathways
GCF Teacher Guides - Technology
This guide explains how you and your students can use multiple tutorials to build the fundamental computer and Internet skills needed today. It includes eight distinct learning plans you can follow and adapt for instruction in a classroom, with a small group, or with individuals. Each plan addresses a specific set of skills students may be interested in acquiring. The plans range from basics computer and Internet skills to more advanced skills like image editing and using the cloud.
The EdTech Digital Skills Library This library is a collection of resources from across the internet. Most of the sites are the ones we used for this site (see the list below). The resources are organized into topics or you can use the filter to create your own collection. (The library was created after we built this site and AlphaPlus participated in building it.)
Update: The Digital Skills Library is now in SkillBlox. At SkillBlox, you can set up a teacher account, create learning pathways and share them with learners using a code that they can access from a student account.
Setting up a device remotely
Helping someone set up a new device remotely
Acquiring and accessing devices and connectivity
The Digital Inclusion Playbook
The Digital Inclusion Playbook contains information, ideas and strategies to support digital inclusion activities. The playbook’s facts, resources and mini-infographics can be shared to:
Help adult learners access affordable internet and devices.
Discuss key issues with colleagues and stakeholders.
Build a case for support with funding partners and community partners.
Get involved and take action.
Other assessments of Digital Skills for further education
Digital Resilience in the American Workforce – Resources for Assessing and Validating Skills
Selecting Digital Skills assessment tools
Digital Resilience in the American Workforce – Selecting an Assessment
ACE - Academic and Career Entrance program
AU - Adult Upgrading or Academic Upgrading (different colleges use different names)
CSC - College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading and ACE
LBS - Literacy and Basic Skills program