About Computers
Who is this for?
Computer Basics modules are for people who have not used a computer before or who have not used one for a long time. You can learn the parts of a computer and what each part does. You can practice using the mouse and keyboard.
If you come across a term you do not understand, try looking it up in the Computer Hope Glossary.
Click or tap the arrows on the right to open a section.
Getting started with computers
Getting started with your first computer
This a lesson. Scroll down to read all the information about how to turn on a computer, use a mouse and keyboard and navigate the desktop.
NOTE: If you want to save your progress as you work through GCFLearnFree tutorials and lessons, you can create an account and log in each time you do some work here.
Getting Started on the Computer
There are four short lessons in this module. It should take 15 minutes to complete all four lessons. You will learn what a computer is and about the mouse, the keyboard and ports. (Ports are places on a computer to plug things in.)
The lessons are slideshows with pictures and a voiceover. You will need speakers or headphones to hear the voiceovers. If you do not have speakers or headphones, you can read along and pause when you like. There are also PDFs of all the lessons that you can save and read later.
Learn My Way
This is a lesson where you can learn about using a computer or mobile device such as a phone or tablet. This subject covers basic skills such using a keyboard, a mouse or a touchscreen. You can go through the whole lesson or you can pick a specific topic. You can watch a video to get started. To see the whole lesson, click on Start this subject. To do a lesson on a specific topic, click the links. You have an option to turn on audio in the lessons if you would like to hear the lessons as well as read them.
You will see a list of resources on similar topics below the lessons. The links will take you to other sites. Some of those sites are also listed here.
Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills MOOC
This is a course. Each section covers related computer skills divided into Learning Activities and concludes with a test. You can sign up if you want to take the tests or you can go through the material as a guest.
The sections are:
Use the Mouse
Identify Computer Devices
Operate a Computer and Printer
Use Computing Devices Test
Digital Unite Technology Guides
A series of introductory guides to help beginners get going. You can read the web page or print it out.
You might be interested in What is a computer?
Other getting started topics:
How to rearrange your computer desktop
Rumie Bytes
Rumie Bytes are short lessons--micro lessons--that are designed to take 10 minutes or less to complete. Don't worry if you take longer.
What Hardware Does My Computer Have?
In this Byte, you will discover different roles and features of computer hardware. This Byte is for anyone who wants to learn how the parts of a computer work.
Hardware and Software; What's the Difference?
In this Byte, you will discover the definition of hardware and software and how to differentiate between them. This Byte is designed for anyone wanting to learn more about computers and technology.
Mouse and keyboard practice
Mouse Tutorial - Use this interactive tutorial to practice using a computer mouse.
Keyboard Shortcuts - How to perform keyboard shortcuts
NOTE: If you want to save your progress as you work through GCFLearnFree tutorials and lessons, you can create an account and log in each time you do some work here.
Learn My Way
This is a lesson where you can learn about using a computer or mobile device such as a phone or tablet. This subject covers basic skills such using a keyboard, a mouse or a touchscreen. You can go through the whole lesson or you can pick a specific topic. You can watch a video to get started. To see the whole lesson, click on Start this subject. To do a lesson on a specific topic, click the links. You have an option to turn on audio in the lessons if you would like to hear the lessons as well as read them.
You will see a list of resources on similar topics below the lessons. The links will take you to other sites. Some of those sites are also listed here.
Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills MOOC
This is a Lesson. Each section covers related computer skills divided into Learning Activities and concludes with a test. You can sign up if you want to take the tests or you can go through the material as a guest.
This is a Course. Each section covers related computer skills divided into Learning Activities and concludes with a test. You can sign up if you want to take the tests or you can go through the material as a guest.
The sections are:
Explore the Keyboard
Practice Keyboarding Mechanics
Use the Keyboard
Use a Keyboard Effectively Test
Digital Unite Technology Guides
A series of introductory guides to help beginners get going. You can read the web page or print it out.
Sites that require an account or cost money
Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
Basic Computer Skills units are open during COVID-19 restrictions. Later, your school will have to sign up to get you an account.
These units will help you become familiar with the way computers work in general.
Getting started with computers - the basics about what a computer is and about types of computers
Controlling the computer - using a mouse and keyboard
Finding your way - where things are on a computer, how to change the settings for a computer