Online Security

Who is this for?

These lessons are for people who want to understand how to stay safe online and monitor your digital footprint.

Computer security refers to the protection of a computer's hardware and the data that it holds. Computer security can be implemented using passwords, encryption, and firewalls, and denying physical access to a computer's location. (from the Computer Hope Glossary)

A digital footprint describes activities that can be tracked when an individual uses the Internet or other online services such as a search engine. There are two types of digital footprints: passive and active. A passive digital footprint is the information collected from a user without their knowledge. An active digital footprint is where a user knows that they're sharing the information (e.g., posting on Facebook or submitting a web form). (from the Computer Hope Glossary)

If you come across a term you do not understand, try looking it up in the Computer Hope Glossary.

Places to learn about Online Security


Internet Safety

This is a tutorial with lessons about internet safety tips. Some of these tips are linked in other sections of this website. The lessons that may be most relevant to college students are:

  • Introduction to Internet Safety

  • Your Browser's Security Features

  • How to Avoid Malware

  • Learn how to avoid malware and remove it from your computer.

  • Understanding Browser Tracking

  • Social Media Privacy Basics

  • Installing and Updating Browser Plug-ins

NOTE: If you want to save your progress as you work through GCFLearnFree tutorials and lessons, you can create an account and log in each time you do some work here.


Online Scams

There are four short lessons in this module. It should take 15 minutes to complete all four lessons. The lessons provide an overview of scams and how to deal with them to help you be safer online.

Internet Privacy

There are four short lessons in this module. It should take 15 minutes to complete all four lessons. This course will help you understand more about internet privacy concerns.

The lessons are slideshows with pictures and a voiceover. You will need speakers or headphones to hear the voiceovers. If you do not have speakers or headphones, you can read along and pause when you like. There are also PDFs of all the lessons that you can save and read later.

Learn My Way

Online safety

You have to register to take this course. In this course you will learn how to keep yourself, your personal information and your devices safe.

You can go through the whole lesson or you can pick a specific topic. You can watch a video to get started. To see the whole lesson, click on Start this subject. To do a lesson on a specific topic, click the links. You have an option to turn on audio in the lessons if you would like to hear the lessons as well as read them.

Wisconsin Technical Colleges Basic Computer Skills MOOC

Manage Personal Data

This is a course. Each section covers related computer skills divided into Learning Activities and concludes with a test. You can sign up if you want to take the tests or you can go through the material as a guest.

The sections are:

  • Surf the Internet Securely

  • Identify Security Features and Threats

  • Use Security Software

  • Manage Personal Data Test

Digital Unite Technology Guides

A guide to internet security

A guide to what internet security is and key steps you should take to protect yourself and your community, online. You can read the web pages or print them out.

Computer Hope

How to protect yourself while on the Internet

Steps and suggestions everyone should follow to keep their computers and personal information safe while connected to the Internet.

How do I clear my Internet browser history?

You can select the internet browser you use from a list to learn how to clear your history.

How to be anonymous on the Internet

This page is created for users who are concerned about others monitoring their Internet browsing, or want to remain anonymous while they browse the web.

Privacy Online

Explained by Common Craft

Using the web today can mean giving up privacy. The popular websites we use collect information about nearly everything we do online. By understanding privacy online, we can be aware of how our information is being used and take steps to protect it.


Digital Footprint

Explained by Common Craft

When using apps and websites, our actions are being tracked and saved by organizations. This means we leave digital footprints wherever we go. Part of being a digital citizen is understanding why our digital footprints matter.

Website Cookies

Explained by Common Craft

Website cookies are an invisible but essential part of using the Web. This video explain the role of cookies in making the Web feel a little more like home.