Assess your skills

CSC's Essential Skills for Employment and Education (ESEE)

Talk to your instructor about taking this assessment.

SKILLSMARKER (formerly Essential Skills for Employment and Education — ESEE) is a web application created to assess and build an individual’s skills in reading, writing, and numeracy – foundational skills upon which other skills are built. The assessment now includes a digital technology section.

Northstar Digital Literacy Checklists

One way to assess your skills is to look at the Northstar Digital Literacy checklists. You can look at them and see which skills you have and which you want to work on. You do not need all these skills for college or university. Talk to your instructors to find out what might be the most important things to learn.

You can see all the topics here: - assessment info

You can choose the topics you are interested in assessing by choosing one of these links:

You can also see these standards as a checklist (scroll down to Standards or click on Standards tab) or view a PDF of these standards.

The Northstar learning resources for each standard can be found at

You instructor may also tell you about things that are missing from this list. For example:

  • Plagiarism - do you understqnd what it is and how to check for it?

  • Calendars and Schedules - do you know how to manage invitations and schedules using digital technology?

  • Cloud storage and collaborative tools - do you know how to store your stuff in the cloud and how to share and collaborate on documents and projects?

  • Learning management systems - do you know how to use a college or university learning management system to find and complete readings, discussions and assignments?

  • College and university websites - do you know how to find information and resources on the website of the college or university you want to attend?