Curated Lists

If you need help or ideas for using digital technology for learning or program administration, please contact us at AlphaPlus.  If you have ideas for resources that we can add, please contact Tracey .

Learning Resource Lists from Literacy Programs

The Resources for Learners page on this site has activities that literacy learners can do independently or with the support of a tutor. The resources are organized by topic. These are evergreen, pre-built learning resources.

AlphaPlus Practitioner Collective Toolboxes

The literacy practitioners who participated in The Educator Network and a Community Gabfest shared the resources they find most useful and effective.

Laubach Literacy Ontario created curated lists on a variety of topics fr learners who "want to improve their reading, writing, math, and other essential skills and practitioners who work with these learners". 

The Learning Centres at Simcoe County District School Board have created a website with online learning resources and activities that literacy learners can do independently or with the support of a tutor. The resources are organized by topic and by level. These are mostly evergreen, pre-built learning resources. 

The Literacy Group instructors Julie and Johanna have created a website with lists of good places to learn online.  These are mostly evergreen resources and many of them are pre-built learning resources. The site is designed for tutors and instructors to use to build lesson plans.

The Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA) curates an extensive list of resources organized by topic.

Toronto District Schoolboard Instructor Recommendations

Workbooks and Activity Sheets that are freely available in digital formats.

Changing Lanes: English as a Second Language Reading Series


eTextbooks: Adult Education from Open School BC

My Math Path: 4, 5 and 6 from Decoda Literacy

Problem of the Week from Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo

AlphaPlus Lists

This site answers the question, "Where can I find foundational digital technology lessons?" We hear about the challenge of embedding digital skills in literacy learning when working with learners who have beginner literacy skills or digital skills that do not meet the requirements of an educational setting. On this site you will find a collection of places that support learners with beginner literacy skills who want to learn more about using digital devices and leveraging connectivity for learning. 

This site is for people in the ACE* or Adult Upgrading programs at Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs who want to upgrade their computer skills in preparation for post-secondary education. We made this site especially for people in programs that do not include digital skills upgrading on site.

It is a companion to the Post-secondary digital skills readiness assessment developed by the College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading and AlphaPlus.

Learners can use this site on their own or educators can use the site as a resource to develop a digital skills curriculum.

ACE* - Academic and Career Entrance program

The AlphaPlus list of Useful Apps presents comprehensive reviews that cover how the apps could be used for literacy and numeracy learning and to support engagement and motivation. We also include apps that are useful for program administration, note taking, productivity and collaborative work.

Resources for Online and Offline Learning (Open Education Resources - OER)

Workbooks and Activity Sheets that are freely available in digital formats.

AlphaPlus created this curated collection of shareable, free and high-quality learning materials that adult literacy educators can use to enhance their personal and program collections. We looked for materials that could be copied, printed or posted in online and offline environments. This means you can add materials to a website, or a learning management platform, attach them to an email or share them with learners in Google Drive. They can also be printed. 

The collection is divided into five sections for learners working at OALCF Levels 1 and 2:

The Digital Skills Library

The Digital Skills Library is an open repository of free learning resources designed to help all adult learners develop the digital skills needed to achieve their personal, civic, educational, and career goals.   The library is managed by the EdTech Center @ World Education. All resources within this library have been curated by educators to align to the Seattle Digital Equity Initiative Digital Skills Framework.

You can search by topic (skill) or by provider.