Ko wai tātou? (Who are we?)

Ko wai tātou: APS.mp4

What is the purpose of the Albany Primary Curriculum?

The Albany Primary Curriculum (APC) is our unique and local version of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) which has been personalised in response to the needs, identities, languages, cultures, interests, strengths and aspirations for learners in our community. 

Why local curriculum?

A local curriculum enables a common language to be developed within each school and is the framework for planning. The review process gives a focus and a reason for doing what we do. Considering what the NZC states and ensuring that all learning areas are included is also an important part of the process. (source)

To the right is a 10min video detailing the work behind the Albany Primary Curriculum (APC) and some of the drivers behind the changes that education in Aotearoa is experiencing.

Curriculum Slides Narrative.mp4
The APC.mp4

The Albany Primary Curriculum answers the crucial questions about:

What students are learning, why they are learning it, how well they are doing and what they need to learn next. Using a ‘long view’ approach across all years they will spend at Albany Primary School helps learners engage with the knowledge, values and competencies they require so they can go on to be confident, connected and agentic lifelong learners, and productive citizens of Aotearoa, New Zealand.