RSE Community consultation

Mid 2023 saw us restart our bi-annual Health curriculum community consultation. Our community had begun to express wide ranging concerns around the implementation of the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) strand of the PE and Health learning area. As a relatively new learning strand, individual community members expressed strong views around the level of input and exposure to concepts involved in delivering RSE and highlighted specific sections around gender, identity, sexuality and reproduction (especially within the Junior area of our school).

This 11 minute presentation is a recording and synthesis of the parent information and survey feedback evening from late July 2023.

Much of the concern shared during the consultation centred around exposing younger children to age inappropriate concepts that are beyond their comprehension.

As we continue to collaboratively design our localised curriculum around Relationships and Sexuality Education, this page will be updated to show the collaborative planning and examples of resources being used by our teachers.

RSE survey outcomes.mp4

Community Planning Workshops: L1 Junior School (slides 4-8) 

L2 Middle School (slides 10-13)

L3 Middle School (slides 14-18)

During Term 3 2023, we completed our first two Community Planning workshops, using the world cafe model. The sessions were attended by up to 20 families, who shared a range of views across the three main learning areas within RSE. 

To the left is a scrolling set of images that show the thinking that was recorded during the workshops. At the foot of the page is a direct link to PDF copies of the final planning drafts. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to come into the school to meet with one of our Deputy Principals or send your questions to

As questions and your thoughts continue to be shared, we'll look to publish common themes and answers to specific quesetions in a variety of ongoing ways. These could be via:

Community Health Curriculum and RSE review 2023.pdf