STEAM Inquiry provides an authentic inclusion of those curriculum areas which, for various reasons, might traditionally have been overlooked, e.g. Technology in all forms, as well as Science.

In supporting students to create an “end in mind” allows them to understand the direction of their learning on a simple level and plan to work backwards. Students understand prototyping, constructing and collaborating for the same outcome.

How will this benefit APS (children, staff, teaching and learning)?

Ownership - students adopt a "real-world" problem applicable to APS and the community, often in the form of a statement, that has meaning in their lives, e.g. plastic pollution and the challenges of re-cycling it in our community

Authenticity - STEAM Inquiry provides an authentic inclusion of those curriculum areas which for various reasons might traditionally have been overlooked, e.g. technology in all forms, as well as Science

Collaboration - with teacher release time increasing, it’s a perfect opportunity for teachers to observe others in action and create a more collaborative process to improving our general pedagogy that supports our on-going AFL practices in class.

Empathy - Providing children with the opportunity to make a change to something they not only understand, but want to change and explore, allows deeper buy-in and ownership. It connects learners to a challenge on a deeper more personal level.

"STEAM is more than just the traditional science technology engineering arts and maths subjects on their own they're opportunities where subjects combine to form interesting new subjects such as bio engineering and biotechnology,"

John Durant, MIT Adjunct professor.

Below is a short video summarising some student learning from Term 2 2022

Steam for APC.mp4

What is STEAM?

STEAM is a combination of learnng, knowledge and skills within Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths, utilised together for a specific outcome. These outcomes are often collaborative, project and problem based and draw on multiple cross-curricular skills simultaneously.

The 5 key skills within STEAM are often quoted as:

  • Problem-Solving

  • Communication

  • Creativity

  • Collaboration

  • Critical Thinking

See if you can see them in the case study video.

Within STEAM learning, students are often needed to use materials and technology to support their outcomes. The use of equipment like craft knives, glue guns and small model making materials is common within sessions. As part of this learning, we have begun creating a series of short video clips to support students in their use of materials and equipment. Some of these can be viewed below.

STEAM: Using a creaft knife.mp4
STEAM Clips 2.mp4