The Language of Learning @ APS

The fact that someone out there has decided to create a 'Dictionary of Educational Jargon' should tell us everything we need to know about the language we use. The value of language as a tool for transitioning children has never been more important. A child is reassured as they move between teachers or year groups, by knowing that the expectations and language are the constants throughout their time here at APS.

Here at Albany Primary School, our language revolves around three main elements that are embedded within our culture of learning. These are:

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning (or A4L) is a structured approach to teaching and learning that prepares and engages the child in their understanding of what, why and how they are learning. It involves not only understanding your own learning, but also that of others and being able to feedback and forward with peers. A4L learners know what they have to do to be successful and understand how assessment, when done with them, can help them learn. Check out our Cut The Jargon Series via the Teaching and Learning at APS page.

A glossary of common terms has been added below in multiple languages:

The Albany Inquiry Tree

Our beautiful has evolved over the last few years and is embedded as our Inquiry Learning model across the school. What does that mean? Inquiry Learning is a child centred learning model that guides children through the learning as explorers and wonderers. It allows them to choose the direction, outcome and style of their learning, taking control and engaging more deeply.

For a deeper breakdown of the APS Inquiry model, head over to Inquiry page and listen to our Inquiry Leader sharing the background, story and stages of student learning.

The Albany REACH Values

Perhaps the most common language you will hear around the school is that of the school REACH values. Respect, Excellence, Aroha & Caring, Creativity and Honesty underpin the learner we aim to grow here at APS. Our values are displayed in classrooms, around the school and underpin our whole approach to behaviour across the school.

For a full breakdown of our values and their uses, visit the Values page of the APC.

APS Glossary of terms