Digital Learning

At Albany we provide a clear picture of existing digital learning, by having an annual development plan, that includes a three year replacement cycle of hardware, a development plan that includes how we will achieve stated objectives for the future development of e-learning and include a budget for the expected expenditure to implement our future development of digital technologies use within the school. Listen to Mr Hopkins talk about our whole school ethos behind using digital technology as a teaching tool below.

Digital Learning @ APS (Adult).mp3

Digital Technology at APS (Student).mp4

At APS, teachers use the SAMR model as a reflection and design tool to review the enhancement and transformation of learning. Students are encouraged to use a variety of media and look at ways in which they can work ‘above the line’, focusing on audience and effective use of technology for specific purpose.

The SAMR Model Explained


At this stage, technology is directly substituted for a more traditional one. It is a simple, bare-bones, direct replacement. For example, if you are teaching a government lesson on the Constitution, you might use an electronic or web-based version of the document instead of a hard copy.


The technology is again directly substituted for a traditional one, but with significant enhancements to the student experience. In other words, you ask yourself if the technology increases or augments a student's productivity and potential in some way.


In this stage, you are beginning to move from enhancement to transformation on the model. Instead of replacement or enhancement, this is an actual change to the design of the lesson and its learning outcome. The key question here—does the technology significantly alter the task?


The last stage of the SAMR model is Redefinition and represents the pinnacle of how technology can transform a student’s experience. In this case, you ask yourself if the technology tools allow educators to redefine a traditional task in a way that would not be possible without the tech, creating a novel experience.

(2017, October 30). SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration | Schoology. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

Fun With Digital Learning

Check out some of the amazing examples of digital outcomes below. Many of these represent full 'Redefinition' of learning for our students, allowing them to explore their creativity and deepen their outcomes.

Jackson Jelicich Area 33 TaskMaster.mp4
Ethan/Hunter Wills.mp4
The worst day ever.MOV
Playground Rules: Whole School.mp4
APSTV News: Tell Your Whānau Special Edition.mp4