Geotechnical Engineering
Our specialized Geotechnical Engineering staff are capable of evaluating subsurface earth conditions. Field work is typically comprised of drilling, test pits, and site supervision of earthwork activities. We deploy in-situ testing as a basis of our evaluations, which includes Dynamic Cone Probing (DCP), Standard Penetrometer Testing (SPT), Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT), bulk sampling, and/or other methods of probing materials. With the use of our Soils Laboratory soil characteristics are understood and aid in the investigations performed.
Our Geotechnical Engineering Services
Project Management
Exploration Geology, Rockfall Studies, Geological Engineering & Mapping
Subsurface Investigations
Site Soil Evaluation and Characterization
Database Asset Management, Site Reconnaissance, Remote Sensing, GIS Mapping
Roadway Design
Foundation Design (major and minor structures, AASHTO, LRFD, Allowable Stress Design)
Ground Improvement and Stabilization
Hydrogeological Studies, Well Design
Seismic Refraction Studies, Vs100, Depth to Bedrock and Rippability
Geophysical Testing
YeDoma has methods of geophysical testing at our disposal, including seismic refraction and resistivity testing. We prefer to use the geophysics testing on the project to determine the depth to bedrock, rippability, and evaluating continuity and corrosiveness of materials. We consider the combination of probing and geophysics leads to much less ambiguous results.
GRIZZLY® Dynamic Probing with Super Heavy Weight Hammer (DCP-SH) Mobile Drill Rig
YeDoma has two DCP-SH Drill rigs. These rigs were developed for anomaly detection, compaction control and for geotechnical studies. The rigs use the same energy specified in the Standard Penetration Test (140 # Hammer with a 30" Drop). Our technical approach includes discrete sampling using auger flights, split spoons and modified ring samplers overseen by geological and geotechnical engineering specialists. The second drill rig arrived in May of 2022 and has a data integrated computer. The drill rig has been correlated with CPT and SPT and is proven to be incredibly valuable for identifying weak strata, subgrade sampling, and permeability testing.
Geotechnical Engineering Project Gallery
Basalt and landslide debris complicate local geology
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study proved useful for evaluating rock excavation
Kinematic studies and slope stability were used to evaluate rockmass and soil instability.
Developed provisions for scaling and stabilizing cutslopes
Rock bolt specifications
Reinforced Soil Slope Design
Mitigated Expansive Soils
Investigating subsurface conditions
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study
Geotechnical reporting
Soil Cement Improvement
Investigating subsurface conditions
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study
Geotechnical reporting
Foundation Bearing Capacity Analysis
Communication Tower
Investigating subsurface conditions
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study
Geotechnical Reporting
Rock Anchor Foundation
Investigating subsurface conditions
Soil and Rock Sampling
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study
Geotechnical reporting
Investigating subsurface conditions
Soil and Rock Sampling
Geophysics - Seismic Refraction P-wave study
Geotechnical reporting
Investigating subsurface conditions
Geotechnical Reporting
Foundation Analysis
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Call Us: +1-505-933-5030
AASHTO Accredited