May Weeks 1-3

Monday May 2nd - Friday May 20th

Some Updates

Hello minions & parents,

Apologies for not being able to post on the blog the past few weeks - I am having some issues with my laptop. I hope that the students have been keeping you up to date about what we have been working on in class.

Since we've returned from the spring vacation, we started a new unit learning about POETRY as a literary genre! I will post everything we've covered so far in this unit. We will continue working on a few more activities which will reinforce the student's ability to read & write poetry with confidence. Once I feel that they have a solid grasp on poetry as a new learned skill, we will move onto the final unit - DRAMA. Drama is also a literary genre; it is a type of written work that tells a story through action and speech which is usually written to be performed, such as plays & theater. The most well-known playwright is of course Shakespeare and the many plays that he wrote during his lifetime - Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, etc.

Term 3 Skill-Based Units:

  • [April to May] Unit - Poetry & Figurative Language

  • [May to June] Unit - Drama: the Art of Playwriting & Acting

    • Learning objectives & outcomes: (Will be added when we begin the unit)

Please note that next month, we will be having the end of the year party and the students of CM2 will be performing a type of musical play in English. I will post more about this as soon as we decide on what the class will be performing. We will begin rehearsing and practicing hopefully starting next week.

Finally, I will be putting together an Assignment Tracker sheet so you can see if your kid is missing any assignments from Term 3. I will update you as soon as it's ready.

Unit: Poetry & Figurative Language

    • Learning objectives & outcomes:

      • understand what poetry is (and what it is not)

      • recognize the key differences between poetry vs prose

      • identify literary devices/figurative language used in poetry

      • be capable and confident to read & comprehend poetry

      • be capable and confident to write poetry

What is poetry - Primary

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll (read by Benedict Cumberbatch)
