March Week 1

(February 28th to March 4th)

Grammar Rules

Hello class,

As you know, this week we have begun learning some grammar rules to enhance your writing skills. For your homework (due Friday in class), you will need to do the following:

Write 2 sentences from each of the 4 types of sentences that we learned in class, AND you must include 1 of the vocabulary words in each sentence. That means in total you will need to write 8 sentences with 8 different vocabulary words. The vocab words are posted on last week's blog. The 4 types of sentences are posted below.

Just a note - your sentences must be ORIGINAL, meaning you need to come up with them on your own using your creative lil brains! (<-- That sentence was a command aka an imperative sentence.) Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Again, the assignment is DUE FRIDAY IN CLASS! (<--That was an exclamatory sentence, because I was expressing emotion.)

See y'all tomorrow.

types of sentences