Plumberow have signed up to this fantastic initiative and are currently working with a play mentor for the next eighteen months to improve our outdoor provision at play times. We have created a play policy and are currently training our team of playworkers. We have been fundraising and asking for donations of resources to build up our school stock. Look out for further information in the Plumberow Post. 

Here is the OPAL vision: 

At OPAL we have seen just how much of an impact improving play can make to a school. We are not just talking about playtimes being a bit less bother or about children being a bit happier. We are talking about cultural transformation. When you address a need that is so fundamental to the physical and mental wellbeing of children as play, and you do it well, it is impossible to think of how you ran a school and didn’t do this.

Our vision is that every child in every school has an amazing hour of high quality play every day – with no exceptions. If one child is not enjoying playtimes, then things still need improving.

We want every school to plan for, resource and evaluate the quality of their play provision as if it were an important human right, essential to all aspects of children’s development and a source of joy and happiness that every child can access because it is all of these things.

Plumberow Play Policy

Plumberow Play Policy .docx

Plumberow Play Charter

Plumberow Play Charter.docx

Risk-Benefit Management Plan 

Plumberow OPAL Risk-Benefit Management Plan 2024

Sports Day 2023

Sport & Activities at Plumberow


At Plumberow Primary Academy, we offer a range of different sports, and participate in many different sporting events and competitions. 

We have now received The Gold Award in the School Games, which recognises high quality sport as well as participation in P.E., Competitive Fixtures and Competitions. There are 4 levels -

 Level 1 - Intra - for games/competitions WITHIN school

     Level 2 - Inter - for games/competitions between schools

       Level 3 - County - for games/competitions at County Level

            Level 4 - National - for games/competitions at National Level

We are extremely pleased to inform all of our children and parents that for the academic year 2021/22, Plumberow have been awarded the GOLD Award for our participation in the School Games programme! This award recognises the continued two hours of curriculum time our children receive in Games as well as our excellent participation in fixtures, competitions and festivals across a variety of sports. It also reflects the high number of pupils who attend our numerous clubs each week. 

Castle Point and Rochford School Sport Partnership

Plumberow Primary Academy invests a portion of the Primary PE and Sport funding in working in partnership and collaboration with The Deanes through the Castle Point and Rochford School Sport Partnership to access a variety of services to benefit students and staff of the school.  This allows us to be part of an infrastructure of 50 schools benefiting from guidance and development around high quality physical education, increasing the range and breadth of ‘School Sport’ opportunities and educating young people regarding healthy and active lifestyles.

The Castle Point & Rochford School Sports Partnership Membership Plan can be viewed here!