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Parental Engagement & Enrichment

2022-23 Enrichment Days

Home/School Agreement

Governors, in consultation with the Headteacher and the staff, are responsible for determining the aims of the school for which they have responsibility, and have, accordingly, drawn up a Home/School Agreement which can be viewed here! The signed copies of these are kept on file in the school office.


Pastoral Care and Discipline

The academy is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. The class teacher, who knows each child well, is responsible for the care of children in his/her class. Particular problems should be referred to the class teacher in the first instance and then to the Headteacher.

The values, standards and attitudes of the academy community are made clear to the children by example and discussion. The academy has a Behaviour Policy and rules exist governing behaviour within the academy and playground. 

A copy of Plumberow's Anti-Bullying Policy can be viewed/downloaded, here.

A copy of Plumberow's Behaviour Policy can be viewed/downloaded, here.

The school council has an Exclusion Policy should any serious disciplinary problems arise. Parents would be fully involved with any such procedures.

Attendance and Absence

Plumberow aims to promote high levels of attendance and punctuality. Registers are monitored on a regular basis, and the school will contact parents if there are any issues relating to punctuality or attendance. If your child is unable to attend school, parents must inform the school of their child's absence in one of three ways:-

If no message has been received by 9:15am, explaining a child's absence, the school office will make contact with you by telephone to ensure that your child is safe.


All children who arrive late should come into school via the office in order that attendance registers and dinner records can be amended. If your child is late into school the person bringing your child to school must sign them in at the school office. 

Administering Medicine

If your child requires medicine administered during the school day, please complete the permission form which is available from the academy office. (PLEASE NOTE - NOT ALL MEDICINES CAN BE ADMINISTERED BY SCHOOL STAFF, PLEASE CHECK WITH THE SCHOOL OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION)

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As part of our statutory obligation to ensure that we are meeting the requirements of Prevent Duty (a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes) a copy of The Prevent Strategy - A guide for Parents can be viewed/downloaded, here!