
At Pioneer School we recognise that everyone has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy in school, and we work tirelessly to create a positive working atmosphere for pupils and staff alike.

Bullying of any sort prevents this from happening and impacts on our ability to provide an equality of opportunity. It is therefore everyone’s responsibility to be aware of the impact of bullying and to work actively to ensure that it does not occur within our school.

Bullying is identified as being deliberately hurtful behaviour that is repeated over a period of time. This may take the form of name-calling, violence, threatening behaviour, isolation, ridicule or indirect actions such as gossiping. The school recognises that within the context of an SEN environment, pupils may present bullying behaviours, without the conceptual awareness that what they are doing is bullying. However, we are also aware that the impact on others would be no less significant and therefore requires a structured and supportive approach.

We are aware that as a school we have a duty to be proactive in our actions to ensure that bullying does not become an issue at Pioneer school. 

We recognise that hate incidents or prejudice based bullying are often driven by negative assumptions, stereotypes or misinformation. These are often then directed against an individual or a group, based on difference (real or perceived) and linked to for example racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, negative views of disabled people or people who practise a religion or follow a faith. 

We are committed to taking action to prevent, challenge and eliminate any such behaviour in our school community. We want our pupils to better understand the diversity that exists in society and to respect, value and embrace people who are different to them so they are well prepared to contribute to wider society and to life in modern Britain.  

website Help with bullies.pdf

Pioneer School Anti-Bullying Policy click  here

The school takes bullying, sexual harassment and hate or prejudice motivated incidents very seriously and any such conduct or behaviour will be carefully monitored. All such incidents will be recorded and will be dealt with fairly and firmly in accordance with the school’s Behaviour Policy. We will use this information to identify trends or patterns so that we have approaches in place to provide appropriate responses in terms of support for victims and their families, sanctions and support for perpetrators and their families and education for our pupils and the whole school community as appropriate. We will take account of guidance issued from the DfE on dealing with incidents of harassment including sexual harassment, bullying including homophobic and transphobic bulling and bullying related to sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, race and religion. Training will be given to members of school staff to ensure they are aware of how to identify and to deal with all such incidents.  This will enable a consistent whole school approach to be taken  to facilitate the effective management of all inappropriate behaviours, including those which may be deemed bullying type behaviours. 

We recognise that bullying can also take place using digital technology and our approach to this is covered in the school’s ICT Acceptable Use Policy. Peer on peer abuse includes, but is not limited to, bullying (online and offline), gender based violence, sexual assaults and sexting. It will always be dealt with as a safeguarding issue and won’t be passed off as “banter” or “just a bit of fun”.

Where appropriate the pupils will be actively involved in exploring bullying and its impact through the PSHE curriculum. This will involve a variety of educational opportunities, such as discussion and role-play, in order to provide a relevant and purposeful context in which to explore the issue of bullying.

With regard to adults, all complaints, including those about behaviours which may be deemed as bullying type behaviours, will  be dealt with through the school’s structured Complaints Procedure. 

Anti-Bullying Booklet for Pupils

bullying social story middle school.pdf