School Council

We believe that pupil participation is about developing a culture in schools for all pupils to have a voice and have the opportunity to play an active role in decisions that affect their learning and well-being . We encourage and support pupils to express their own needs and views and to make informed decisions on matters which influence their lives.  

We do this through:

School Council Rules

2023 -24 School Council Meeting Dates

Thursday 12th October        2.00 - 2.30 pm

Thursday 23rd November   1.45 - 2.15 pm

Thursday 18th January         1.45 - 2.15 pm

Thursday 29th February      1.45 - 2.15 pm

Thursday 9th May                    1.45 - 2.15 pm

Thursday 13th June                1.45 - 2.15 pm

School Council 2022-2023

The School Council meets every half term. Each class sends a representative and they include their class in making decisions about different things in the school. School Council representatives also help with jobs and tasks in school. Some of the things we have done include:-

The School Council have been very busy over the last year- 

At Christmas we helped sort and pack some advent Care packages for different people in the community- our council members did a fantastic job at sorting- we had so many donations it was amazing. We hope to help Jo with this again this year. 

The School Council organised a PRIDE poster competition. The School Council found out about the origins of PRIDE and watched some videos. We then created a poster and asked each class to design their own poster from a range of ideas. Everyone put their posters up in the reception area and the School Council members voted for their favourite. 

The School Council organised a Coronation competition. Each Class voted for the activity they wanted to do. The Cupcakes won!! Each class was given some ingredients and decorations and they designed their own cakes. The competition was judged by Maria, Jo and Paige. 

Dec 22 Christmas Boxes
Feb23 Rainbow Flag (1)
Feb23 Rainbow Flag (2)


Arranging our Harvest Festival Donations


May23 Kings Coronation (1)
May23 Kings Coronation (2)
Kings Coronation (3)

The Chair of Governors helping the school council to judge the Robot Competition 

School council counting the safeguarding poster competition results.