Homework Policy
The new Homework Policy is now available to view on the school website under Statutory Academy Policies, or can be viewed by clicking this link - Homework Policy
We have organised and streamlined the setting of homework across the academy allowing all students and parents/carers to know when homework will be set, where the homework can be found and how long to spend on each piece of work.
A summary of the key information can be found below.
It is the responsibility of each student to attempt all homework to the best of their ability within the allocated time period.
It is also the responsibility of the students and their parents/carers to make sure that homework tasks are completed.
All homework will be set via Satchel:One.
For Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, homework will only be set during Term Time. For Year 11, homework and revision may also be set during half term and school holidays.
Each homework item should consist of a task of approximately 30 minutes duration for Key Stage 3, and 45 minutes duration for Key Stage 4.
Students will have 6 days to complete each homework item, unless project based.
Completion of homework is compulsory.
Please find Homework Timetables for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 below.