Teaching & Learning

Our Signature Approaches 

1) Retrieval based ‘Do nows’ 

When: Start of each lesson

Rationale: It is an activity that students do as soon as they enter the classroom. 

The main purposes are :

2) Hinge Questions

When: After teacher input

Rationale: Hinge questions are a strategy that allows the teacher to quickly assess the students' levels of understanding. It allows the teacher to gather data and act on the data. It enables students to know they are ready to move on and that the teacher is tracking their progress.

3) No hands up’ 

When: Every lesson during teacher questioning

Rationale: It is an inclusive method that ensures students are accountable for engaging and thinking in each lesson. It creates a classroom climate where it is the ‘norm’ for the teacher to ask everyone questions - this communicates a sense that all are included and everyone’s opinion matters.

4) Circulate

When: Within first five minutes and purposefully throughout the lesson

Rationale: The teacher moves strategically around the classroom to build relationships, maximise engagement and achievement. It enables the teacher to gather data, provide feedback and monitor progress  throughout independent practise in the lesson.