
Curriculum Intent

Geography is not only up-to-date and relevant, it is one of the most exciting, adventurous and valuable subjects to study today. So many of the world's current problems boil down to geography, and need the geographers of the future to help us understand them ”. 

~ Michael Palin


Geography helps you understand the world around you. The Geography curriculum at New Forest Academy aims to instill a lifelong love of learning about our world in all students. Geography is a subject of ever increasing importance and relevance, encompassing a broad range of topics including the formation of landforms, future threats to our planet and how we can become responsible global citizens.

The geography curriculum at the New Forest Academy is deliberately ambitious and will equip students with a balanced understanding of the physical and human world as well as an appreciation of how interconnected processes and systems are. The geography curriculum allows students to acquire powerful knowledge with a spiral sequence so that topics and lessons link together and build off the students’ prior knowledge. This deep knowledge will enable complex thought about geographical topics. The deliberate practice of written answers will also empower students to become resilient learners able to fully understand and apply this knowledge. Students will also engage and improve their geographical skills with skills practise interwoven into lessons as well as opportunities to apply what they have learnt during fieldtrips.

The curriculum celebrates diversity by exploring a range of countries across different continents. Up to date case study locations are used to ensure that students get an accurate understanding of places and cultures in an ever changing world and understand how development can influence quality of life. The opportunities to complete geographical fieldwork helps students build cultural capital by allowing students to experience and apply what they have learnt in the classroom to real life.

The curriculum will empower students with the knowledge and skills to become active global citizens with the ability to identify and respond to complex geographical issues faced by our planet. Students will develop holistically with an understanding of their own place in society and of how their actions can impact upon the wider environment. Geography at the New Forest Academy will provide students with knowledge and transferable skills which students will find personally and professionally rewarding. As well as unlocking an enjoyment and curiosity about the study of the world around you, geography can lead to a multitude of opportunities and career paths. After studying geography at the New Forest Academy students will be prepared to progress onto further education in geographical subjects including A-Level Geography or other related college courses.

Please click on the document link below to view the Curriculum Map for Geography.

Geography Curriculum Map