School Ethos and Values

At Hockley Primary School, we are passionate about delivering a high-quality curriculum. We have designed our curriculum to meet the needs of our school’s context, focusing on what our children need to know. Through this process, our curriculum has evolved into a tool with which our children can better shape their school experience, their relationships with others and the future world they will inhabit.

Our Vision 

As our vision makes clear, our school is a space for aspirations. We know, however, that to help realise these aspirations, our school’s focus must be rooted firmly in our children’s success in the present. Here at Hockley Primary School, we take inspiration for this task from our natural setting. Just like the woodland surrounding us, our school is a communal space. We share it, we grow within it and, most importantly, we nurture it. Our school has places to sit and feel part of something, places to shelter and places from which to admire the beauty of everything that has grown within it.