Exam and Assessment Results

Performance Tables

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Hockley Primary School Academic Results Summary

Please click here for the school's academic results summary for 2018/19.

End of KS2 SATS Results 2019:

KS2 SATS outcomes are outstanding

  • 84% of our children achieving the expected standard in Reading: 11% above National

  • 84% achieving the expected standard in Maths: 5% above National

  • 84% achieving the expected standard in Writing: 6% above National

  • 87% achieving the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 9% above National

  • 82% achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined: 17% above National

End of KS1 Results:

Our Year 2 children have achieved above indicated National outcomes for Reading, Writing and Maths

In Year 1, 93% of children have met the required phonic standard, which is above indicated National outcomes.

EYFS Results:

76% of our children in EYFS have achieved a good level of development which is above indicated National averages.

Well done! All of the children and staff have worked so hard to achieve these great results and we are very proud of them!