As part of our Personal Development Curriculum, our pupils engage in Personal, Social, Health Education lessons weekly. 

PSHE includes keeping healthy (safe medicines and the impact of drugs on the body) and Relationship, Sex and Health Education. 

Further information about PSHE lessons can be found in the overview and parent leaflets below. 

Parents are also invited , at least annually, to discuss RSHE.

Four Dwellings Primary response to ‘Everyone’s Invited’

You may have seen in the news that children and adults are coming forward about incidents in which they have felt uncomfortable with some of the behaviours that others have shown, both in and out of school. They are sharing their stories on a website called ‘Everyone’s Invited’. 

You know that at Four Dwellings Primary Academy, we care about each and every one of our children.

Please help us to assure all children that if they have ever felt uncomfortable by something that has been said to them, by something they have been asked to do or by something that has been done to them by someone else, they can tell you as their parents/carers and/or an adult that they trust in school. 

They can talk to us directly or you can get in touch, if they want to speak to you first.

All our staff have very close, positive relationships with all our pupils and are highly trained in effective safeguarding protocols and procedures when dealing with our pupils and their needs. Rest assured that all communications are managed sensitively and effectively.

If you or your child(ren) want to tell a trusted adult in school, there are lots of ways this can be done:

We know that in doing this, children will need to be extremely brave and that they might feel embarrassed or ashamed. Please help reassure them that they have NOTHING to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Speaking out is an important step to stopping behaviour that is not acceptable and school can help put an end to what they have been keeping a secret.

If they don't feel able to or ready to talk about anything that might be affecting them in school that is understandable. 

During the summer term we are talking about how they can keep themselves safe as part of our relationships and sex education work. For example, this week, we are looking at the NSPCC work following the‘ Speak Out Stay Safe’ programme. We hope that as they do this work in school, they will become more confident to tell us about any behaviours in school that they think we need to know about in order to keep all of our children safe. 

Our commitment: Trust statement from the CEO in response to the 'Everyone's Invited' initiative.

Like everyone, we've been appalled by the stories that are emerging across the country. It is completely unacceptable that girls are being treated in this way and we have a collective responsibility as education leaders to take a stand. We pride ourselves on being a highly inclusive family of schools, and whilst we have strong systems and controls in place as part of our work on equality, diversity and inclusion focusing on gender, racism, sexuality and disability, we want to make sure we are leaving no stone unturned in eradicating these insidious behaviours. 

In addition to our existing practices, we are taking steps to ensure that each of our schools has the means to capture testimony from students - either anonymously or in person through safe spaces - so that there is every opportunity to uncover any issues, past or present. We all need to go further and shine a light on these issues so that they are brought out in the open and dealt with swiftly, including involving the police. To do otherwise, makes us part of the problem.

Subject Documentation 

FDPA PSHE Curriculum Handbook
PSHE/RSE Overview

Updated September 2023